Follow the light

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Joel: Look. Hospital. This is where we get off. Lets go

(The wind starts to pick up a little bit as our trio walks down a highway)

Joel: You feel that breeze? I tell you, on a day like this, I'd just sit on my porch and pick away at my six string. Once we're done with this whole thing, We're gonna teach you how to play a guitar. I reckon you'd really like that

Ellie: You both know?

Blake: Yeah. Joel taught me when I was about 12

Ellie: Sounds great

(Ellie looks on the side of a bus and sees a plane on an advertisement)

Ellie: You know, I dreamt about flying the other night

Joel: Oh yeah?

Ellie: Yeah

Blake: What happens?

Ellie: So, I'm on this big plane full of people, and everyone is screaming and yelling because the plane's going down. So I walk into the cockpit and open the door, but there's no pilot. I try to use the controls, but I obviously have no idea how to fly a plane. And right before we crash, I wake up. Isn't that weird?

Joel: Hmm. Well, you know, dreams are weird

Ellie: What do you dream about?

Joel: I... I'd rather not talk about it

Ellie: What about you?

Blake: Me? I never even remember my dreams when I wake up. I just close my eyes, see nothing but pitch black, and then I wake up. Pretty weird, right?

Ellie: Pretty weird

Joel: Look at this. Another city, another abandoned quarantine zone

(Joel, Blake, and Ellie make their way past a collapsed bridge and a bunch of crashed vehicles. The use a bus to hop over a huge gate, and see a hospital in the distance)

Joel: There's the hospital that firefly mentioned. Come on... Ellie? You alright? You seem extra quiet today

Ellie: Hmm? Oh, I'm fine

Blake: You're sure?

Ellie: Yeah. I'm sure

(The three cut through a building. Blake hops a long gap and lets a ladder down, letting Joel and Ellie catch up)

Ellie: Oh my god. You've got to see this!

Joel/Blake: What?

Ellie: Come on, hurry!

(Ellie starts running, so Joel and Blake look at each other in confusion for a second before shrugging and following)

(They walk into a room and see a giraffe eating leaves)

Joel: Shh. Don't scare it

Blake: I won't

Ellie: Hey there

(Everyone starts petting the giraffe)

Ellie: So fucking cool

(The giraffe walks away with a couple other giraffes)

Ellie: Where's it off to? Come on, lets go

Joel: Slow down, kiddo

(The three go out a door onto a fire escape route and they see the giraffes walking in the distance)

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