The university

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Ellie: Ok, let me see if I get it straight. If you mess up your fourth down, then you give the ball to the other team?

Joel: Right. It's called a turnover

Ellie: And if you clear the ten yards, then you're back at first down?

Blake: Exactly

Ellie: Man, football's confusing

Joel: You just gotta play it a couple times. It'll all make sense

Ellie: None of these buildings look like a mirror to me

Joel: We'll head to the central grounds. Should be able to see most of the campus from there

Ellie: So these places... people would live here and study? Even though they were all grown up?

Joel: Yeah. They'd study, party, and find themselves. Figure out what they wanted to do with their lives

Ellie: It's getting a little chilly

Joel: Well, it is that time of year

Ellie: How many people do you think are here? Fireflies, I mean

Joel: I reckon it takes quite a crew to run that operation

Ellie: Do you think there will be other people my age there?

Joel: Uh... I'm not sure

(Ellie's horse starts to neigh)

Ellie: What is it, Callus?

Joel: I hate that name

Ellie: You're the one who forgot to ask Tommy for his name

Blake: Sounds like runners. Joel and I have it covered

(Blake whistles, getting the attention of about six runners. They all rush towards Joel and Blake, but catch bullets to the face from their handguns)

Joel: And that's that

(Joel finds a generator and revs it up, providing power to a gate and letting it open)

Ellie: You know, I've always wanted to be an astronaut

Joel: That a fact?

Ellie: Yeah. Can you imagine being up there all by yourself? Would've been cool. Just saying. What about you? What did you want to be?

Joel: When I was a kid I used to want to be a singer

(Ellie laughs)

Ellie: Shut up

Joel: I'm serious

Ellie: Sing something

Joel: Ah, maybe some other time

Blake: Joel, you've got to see this

(Blake hands Joel a flamethrower, and they both chuckle)

Joel: Now this here looks like fun

Blake: Oh yeah

(Joel, Blake, and Ellie continue to wander through the university campus until they see a bunch of monkeys in a courtyard)

Ellie: Are those...?

Blake: Monkeys?

Joel: Yeah. A whole mess of them. First time seeing a monkey?

Ellie: Yep. First time seeing a monkey

(The monkeys all start jumping up and down on the benches while the trio walks by, and they find a firefly symbol spray painted onto a wall)

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