Through hell

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(Joel, Blake, Ellie, Henry, and Sam are all walking down a dirt path bordered by grass)

Henry: How you doing little man?

Sam: That was a close one

Henry: Yeah. Not one of our finest moments, but we made it out

Blake: Hang on. See that in the distance?

(Everyone looks over the trees and sees a radio tower)

Henry: Hey, look at that. Yep. What did I tell you, huh?

Joel: Lets find a way around to it

Blake: How are you doing?

Ellie: Business as usual, right? When I was with Henry I took out a couple infected by myself

Blake: Nice going, Ellie

(Blake and Ellie fist bump)

Sam: It got pretty intense back there, huh?

Ellie: Oh yeah. Totally

Sam: So how'd you three end up together?

Ellie: A friend of mine, Marlene, asked Joel and Blake to take me to the fireflies

Sam: You and Blake definitely seem to get along well

Ellie: Oh, um... Well... We just... We're good friends

Sam: Just friends?

Ellie: Uh, yeah. Only friends

(Blake chuckles from the next house over as they look for anything useful with Joel and Henry)

Henry: I was only 5 when cordyceps hit, so my memory's pretty fuzzy, but I remember living in a neighborhood just like this

Joel: What do you remember?

Henry: Barbecues. My parents would throw these crazy big barbecues and invite over a ton of people. I remember the smell of the food more than anything else. I miss it

Joel: I miss coffee

Ellie: Anybody else hungry?

Sam: Yes

Blake: Here. Take these

(Blake takes a small can of dried berries and divides it amongst themself, Ellie, and Sam)

Henry: Guys. We can take a break when we get to the radio tower

(Joel finds a small note in one of the houses, and it's a combination to a safe. The safe has a lot of bullets inside along with some medical supplies)

(Joel, Blake, Ellie, Henry, and Sam hop down a ledge, but they hear a distant gunshot, and a bullet hits the car next to them)

Joel: Oh shit, get down!

(Everyone ducks into cover to avoid getting hit by a hunter with a sniper rifle)

Henry: Fucking sniper... Did you see where it came from?

Joel: Somewhere down the street

(Blake rips a mirror off the side of the car and uses it to look behind them and spot the sniper)

Blake: Gah! The house down at the end of the street, dead ahead of us. We won't be able to hit him from here, though. We're gonna have to get in close

Joel: Alright. Ellie, Sam you two stay here

Ellie: No-

Joel: Before you start, I need you two to keep him busy. I'm gonna go around and see if I can't get the angle on him

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