Under the surface

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Henry: We're gonna be moving fast, so no matter what, you stick to me like glue

Sam: Like glue

Henry: Alright. Y'all ready?

Group: Yeah

Henry: Ok. Stay close

Joel: You tried this before?

Henry: Um... Yeah

Joel: That's comforting

Henry: Relax, old man

Blake: And you know the way?

Henry: Yeah, of course

Blake: Lead the way, captain

(Joel, Blake, Ellie, Henry, and Sam all start moving through the building, down some stairs, and they find some hunters down on the bottom floor)

Blake: Lets do this quietly

(Joel, Blake, and Henry each silently kill one of the three hunters standing around a fire)

Henry: Got em. Sam, Ellie, it's safe to move up

(They continue to sneak around, and some hunters are distracted by some infected outside the gate, including a clicker)

(This gives everyone a chance to move closer to their objective)

(There are numerous hunters down on the street, but Joel, Blake, and Henry use silenced pistols to take them out)

Henry: Alright. We did it

Joel: Henry, give me a hand with this

(Joel and Henry both push the gate open, but the light from the humvee shines onto them)

(Everyone quickly runs inside the gate and Henry locks it when it shuts)

Hunter: Hey! They're over he-!

(Henry quickly draws his pistol and kills a hunter standing on a guard post)

Henry: Got him. Come on, everyone

(Everyone goes over to a truck with a ladder on the side, right next to a wall)

Joel: Check it out

(Joel boosts Henry onto the ladder, and he climbs up)

Henry: We're good. Sam, lets go

Joel: Alright kid, come on

(Joel boosts Sam onto the truck)

Joel: There you go

(The humvee rams the gate, but the gate holds)

(Blake runs up and jumps, grabbing a hold of the ladder and pulling themself up)

Joel: Hurry!

(Joel boosts Ellie onto the truck. The ladder breaks, but Henry saves Ellie)

Ellie: Ok, we gotta get them up

Henry: Sorry. We're leaving

Ellie: What? This is bullshit!

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