The city

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(Joel, Tess, Blake, and Ellie are all treking together through the reimains of a flooded city)

Tess: This way. If we cut through downtown, we can hit the capitol building by sunrise

Joel: We hope

(The four climb up onto a battered up highway)

Ellie: Holy moley. I guess this is what these buildings look like up close. They're so damn tall. So what happened here?

Tess: They bombed the hell out of the surrounding areas to the quarantine zones, hoping to kill as much of the infected as possible. And it worked for a little while

(The group hears the sounds of infected snarling in the distance)

Ellie: Uh.. What the hell was that?

Blake: Sounded like infected

Joel: You hear that, Tess?

Tess: Yeah. Sounded pretty far away though

Ellie: Are we safe?

Tess: Yeah. For now. Come on

(The ground in front of the group cuts off, and they look over the edge into the abyss below)

Ellie: Damn. That's quite a drop

Joel: Well, there's the capitol building

Blake: We just need to get around all of this rubble

Ellie: This is the downtown area?

Tess: It was. Not it's just a giant wasteland

Joel: Follow me

(Joel leads the group into a building that can go around the giant pit in the middle of the street, and they find the dead mutilated body of a soldier)

Tess: He got torn apart

Joel: Yeah...

Blake: The blood smells pretty fresh

Ellie: Is that a bad thing?

Tess: It might be. Lets not stick around to find out

(The four go up a flight of stairs and find a body covered in fungus next to an elevator)

Joel: Goddammit. Clicker. Hope it's dead

(Joel rips the body out of the fungus so it doesn't block the elevator door anymore)

Ellie: Jeez. What's wrong with it's face?

Tess: That's what years of infection will do to you

Ellie: So, what, are they blind?

Tess: Sort of. They see using sound

Ellie: Like bats?

Tess: Like bats. If you hear one clicking, you gotta hide. That's how they spot you

Blake: Think of it like this. The fungus starts forming in your brain and takes over while you're still concious. That's why stage 1 infected usually look sad or scared. And you'll start to see fungal growths on stage 2's faces. The clickers are stage 3s. The fungus in their brain grew outside the skull, and it covers their eyes. They use echolocation to see instead of their eyes. The fungal plating can also act as a soft armor for the head as well

Ellie: What's stage 4?

Blake: Pray you don't ever have to find out

(The building gives a slight tremor)

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