Not alone

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Joel: We need to get back out and find that bridge

Blake: It can't be too far from here

(Joel, Blake, and Ellie walk through a part of the hotel until they find a room with a stage and a piano on it)

(They also see a high ledge)

Joel: Might be able to get through with this

(Joel starts pushing the piano, and it moves very slowly)

Joel: Hey, how about a hand?

Ellie: Are you sure you can trust me with it?

Joel: (Whispers) I hate this crap

Blake: I've got it

(Blake helps Joel push the piano right under the ledge, and they climb up with Ellie)

(They hop out a window and find a dead hunter from earlier with a hunting rifle. Along with a large number of hunters at ground level)

Blake: What's the plan?

Joel: You and I are gonna jump down there and clear a path

Ellie: What about me?

Joel: You stay here

Ellie: This is so stupid! We'd have more of a chance if you actually fucking let me help

Blake: I have a suggestion. See that dead guy right there? Ellie could use his rifle to provide overwatch. She can help, while at the same time, keeping out of danger

(Joel strokes his beard for a second before shrugging)

Joel: You seem to know your way around a gun. You reckon you can handle it?

Ellie: Well, uh, I sorta shot a rifle before. But it was at rats

Joel: Rats?

Ellie: Yeah. With a BB gun

Joel: Well, it's the same basic concept. Lift it up. You're gonna want to lean into the stock, cause it's gonna kick a hell of a lot more than any BB gun. Now go ahead and pull that bolt back

(Ellie pulls back the bolt)

Joel: There you go. Now as soon as you fire, you're gonna want to get another round in there quick. Listen to me. If either I or Blake get into trouble down there, you make every shot count. Yeah?

Ellie: We got this

Blake: Plant your lower body into a solid stance and hold your breath while you aim to reduce the sway. Got it?

Ellie: Got it

Joel: Alright. Just so we're clear about back there. It was either him or me. Thanks for saving my ass

Ellie: You're welcome

Blake: Alright Ellie. If we get spotted, kick us off

(Joel and Blake drop down to ground level, but then a hunter comes running)

Hunter: Guys! They're dead! They're all fucking dead!

Hunter: What the hell's he yapping about?

Hunter: Take a breath. Who's dead?

Hunter: The whole crew! All 76 of the lookout guys! Two fucking tourists killed them all!

Hunter: Holy shit. Have you talked to the boss?

Hunter: Yeah. He wants everyone to hold their ground. Watch the gate

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