No Permanent Death

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11:06 at night. 11:06. Not 11:05 or 11:07. 11:06. Oh ok now it's 11:07. This is the time the world came back into frame.

"Wh- what's happened? Happening." Avalon asked as she glanced around the room. Archie was sitting next to her in the bed with a book in hand and a pencil. Jughead was sitting at the end of the bed on the ground, using the bed as a backrest. He had a black controller in his hands and we was staring up at a blue screen. Well, blue at first to Avalon's eyes before her vision became clearer and the display of someone's point of view showed them looking at a tree. And another tree. And then another. Until it stopped.
"Hey Avalon, how are you feeling?" Jughead asked, looking over his shoulder at her.
"Good." She nodded her head before looking around. "Why am I in Archie's room exactly and bed?"
"Because your brother was being smart and not looking at the road ahead of him." Archie explained as he joked.
"We crashed." Jughead clarified.
Slowly, Avalon nodded. "What time is it?"
"11:09." Replied Archie.
"Why are you guys up at 11?"
"Homework." Archie sighed, holding up the book. Avalon looked to her older brother.
"Couldn't sleep."
"And Betty?"
"Betty's at the hospital." Jughead said without making eye contact.
"Is she ok?!" Avalon screamed.
"Shh, my dad doesn't know you're here." Archie hissed before burying his head back in his book.
"She'll be fine, we'll go see her tomorrow." Jughead sighed as he thought of her. He leaned forward and pushed the button, turning off the game console. He placed the controller on top and stood up. "I'll go downstairs." He pointed behind him but before he could turn, Archie stood up abruptly.
"No, I'll go. You guys take my bed. I still have to finish this chapter anyways."
"Alright." Jughead shrugged before sitting on the bed, next to his sister.
"Night." Archie said, book in hand.
"Night." Avalon smiled, tired.
"Cya." Jughead said before laying down. Archie closed the door as he left and soon, all three were fast asleep.

 Archie closed the door as he left and soon, all three were fast asleep

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"Jug, I'm nervous." Avalon whispered as her leg bounced up and down repeatedly.
"It's ok." He whispered back.
"But it's not, Betty is in the hospital!" She whispered again.
"Avalon, just remember to breath."
Avalon sighed, trying to relax her shoulders but her leg wouldn't stop.
"Thanks for the hoodie, Arch." Avalon smiled up at him as he sat on her right side in the waiting room.
"No problem, Avalon."
"It's really cozy."
"Yeah? I'm gonna need it back though, it's Ronnie's favourite."
"Noted." Avalon chuckled. Jughead and Archie exchanged glances at this. It was practically a way to say thank you. For what you're asking? Well you didn't but I'm gonna tell you anyways. As you may or may not know, Avalon has anxiety. When she gets a little nervous, her heart begins to beat faster like she's run a mile long run. She starts to fidget and anything else someone with anxiety would do. So when Archie made her laugh, it made Avalon forget about Betty and why they were here at the hospital for a second. Although, this didn't make only Avalon feel good but Jughead too. It was hard for him as well having a sister that worked over the little things in life.

"Betty... Cooper?" A young women announced as she walked into the room, holding a clipboard. She had glasses that sat low on her nose.
"Here." Jughead raised a hand and he stood up, followed by his little sister and best friend.
"Are you family?" The young front desk women asked, pointing at them with the end of a blue pen.
"No, we're her friends. And boyfriend." Jughead shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Right this way, please." The brunette led the three down a long hall and into a room on the left. "I'll leave you four to be." And left. Jughead stepped forward and walked around her bed to grab hold of her hand. Avalon stayed back, afraid and unsure. Archie saw her tense and heard her breathing climb higher and higher, faster and faster. In result, he gently placed his hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her, comforting her. Her shoulders relaxed and so did her breaths but not to a normal and slow pace. This small motion told Avalon that she didn't have to go any closer than she wanted to.
"Hey Betty." Jughead smiled as he saw her and gave her a kiss before she could respond.
"Hey, Jug. Hey Avalon, how are you?"
"I'm good." Avalon nodded.
"Yeah, same here. Don't worry guys, you don't have to ask." Archie placed a hand on his chest as he waved his other one about. Everyone laughed before the shriek of a door began and in came a figure in dark purple with a black bag.
"Betty! I got here as fast as I could but what happened?" Veronica screamed, running in.
"Jughead pulled out his 'best driving skills." Archie rolled his eyes and created quotation marks with his fingers on the last bit.
"Jughead!" Veronica yelled louder.
"I'm okay, Vee." Betty nodded to confirm.
"And Avalon?!" Veronica gestured to Avalon as she rang over and gave her a hug. Avalon didn't know what to do and awkwardly gave a hug back slightly before she let go. "Jughead, who gave you a license?"
"Ok can everybody chill?" Jughead glanced at everyone in the room. "I was worried, alright? And I feel bad about it as much as it is. No need to rub it in as you guys would say."
"Just be careful next time. I'm just glad you're phones didn't break and Arch8e was able to track them with 'Where's My Phone' app." Veronica rolled her eyes at the name. "It's a horrible name."
"But it did it's job." Archie commented and shrugged.
"It did it's job." Veronica nodded and repeated.
"Jughead, did you tell your dad yet about what happened?" Betty asked.
He sighed before answering. "No, I haven't." At the words, Avalon let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "You good, Ava?" Jughead nodded to her.
"Oh, yeah!" Avalon lied. "Do we have to tell dad though?" Everyone in the room exchanged glances before Vee spoke up.
"Why wouldn't you?"
"Ronnie." Archie warned her, thinking she was getting too much into Avalon's business and personal life.
"No, I want to know. Why shouldn't we, Ava?" Jughead crossed his arms.
"I don't know." Avalon shrugged as she yet again, lied. She knew exactly why we shouldn't tell her father and she had a really good reason for it. Was she going to share it? Of course not. "Won't dad get mad at you if he knew?" Avalon created a pretty quick excuse. She was good at this stuff.
"Ava, if you're worried you're gonna get in trouble, you're not." Veronica shook her head. But I am, thought Avalon as her breathing quickened. "I'm sure Jughead will be mature and take the blame on this. After all, he was the driver."
"And I am." Jughead said, firmly before turning to his little sister. "Avalon, don't worry. I'm taking the blame for this one."
"Ok." Avalon slowly nodded. Did she believe them? Maybe. Did she trust her father? No." Did she kinda trust her brother? Yeah.
"Come here." Betty waved her hand towards herself and reluctantly, Avalon went over only for Betty to pull her into a hug, a bear hug.

Avalon wasn't ready for what was going to come next and she didn't know who to trust. She never did.

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