No, It's Okay, I Was Going To Die Anyway

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Hours had passed and the two had continued to share stories. They weren't enemies, no, not anymore. But they weren't friends either. They were... at peace you could say.

"So where is this train taking us exactly?" Ava asked.
"No idea because we're not waiting to see." Kian shrugged, standing up.
"What do you mean?"
"Grab that bag." He ordered, pointing at Ava's bag. "And get ready to jump." He shrugged.
"Jump?! Off a moving train? Are you out of your mind?!"
Kian stretched out an arm with his palm facing up. "Do you trust me?"
"No, quite frankly, I don't." Avalon shook her head.
Kian took her hand in his and led her to the edge of the train. Avalon looked out of the train and forward, her hair blowing in the wind behind her. Ahead, was an ocean and all Avalon could think was if he was going to let her drown.
"No, we are not doing this. Our deal was to find somewhere safe! This is not safe!" Avalon walked away from the edge of the train's car.
"Avalon, we have to jump now."
"I'm not jumping!"
The wind over powered the voices.
"We have to!"
"I'm not going to!"
The next thing Avalon knew, she was being plummeted down to the ground. "AHH!" She screamed as she flew through the air. "You jerk, get off of me!" In the air, Avalon pushed Kian away from her. He had been gripping onto her when he pushed her out of the train car. "AHH!" Avalon continued to scream before her body met with the ground and she began tumbling down a hill, Kian following close behind.

When they had finally stopped moving, Avalon found herself still gripping tightly onto her bag, holding it close to her chest. She relaxed and stood up, brushing herself off. "You psychopath!" She screamed before marching off.
"Wait, Avalon, wait!" Kian cried after her as he stumbled to get back on his feet. He ran up to her and grabbed her arm only for her to yank back down to her side.
"Don't touch me."
"Where are you gonna go? You don't know your way around here." Kian stated.
"It doesn't matter, at least I'll have a chance at staying alive if I'm on my own. You know, I really thought we would be stronger if we worked together. Turns out, I'm stronger on my own." Avalon continued to walk away.
"What about what happened in the forest?! I saved your life!"
"And then you tried to end it!" Avalon turned around to face him, shocked by the words coming out of his mouth.
"Okay, I'm sorry!"
"Sorry? I don't care about sorry anymore. What's done is done and can't be undone."
"Avalon..." Kian trailed off.
"Kian, stop it, okay?! I'm done with you and your stupid little acts."
"But we survived, didn't we?!"
Avalon ignored him after that because she was not going to waste her time on people like Kian. This was the exact reason why Avalon didn't like socializing. Or people for that matter.

Avalon continued walking for what felt like days, which was only 20 minutes as she muttered to herself. "I hate him. Why would I trust him? People are so stupid. This is why I have anxiety, people." Avalon continued to talk to herself. It gave her a focus of attention. Well, more like a focus of self control. Avalon was so deep into her thoughts she didn't notice the cliff ahead of her and next thing she knew, she was taking a step into thin air. "Wha- AHH!" Avalon screamed for a while before opening her eyes again. But it was weird. She wasn't falling. Or moving. She was... floating. In thin air! Ha, as if. Avalon looked back. Turns out, Kian had been following her. He pulled her back onto her feet and she spun around. "What are you doing here?!" She screamed, pushing him back. "Were you following me?!"
"I mean," he rubbed the back of his neck. "You do have a flashlight."
Sighing, Avalon glanced up before turning around and looking beyond the cliff. The sun was setting and the sky filled with orange. Orange dominating the sky. "I told you, I'm on my own." She pushed past him.
"You should take a break, actually. It's dangerous out there, in the woods."
"My chances of getting killed are lower if I'm not with you!" She called out, walking away and waving her hand about.
"Avalon, what happened to "we need each other"?"
"I don't need you anymore, you don't have your bag."
"Because of you! You know, this is really your fault if you think about it. I had to give up my bag to save your life instead of my own." This made Avalon pause and think. He's right. He's really right. Avalon turned.
"Fine. But you cannot pull the stunt again, alright? Or I'm going to kill you and I will not hesitate. I have a pocketknife."
"Good." Avalon flung her backpack off her shoulders and sat down against a tree, resting. "Now let's watch the sunset."

Avalon found herself waking up the next morning with her head on Kian's shoulder. She pulled herself up immediately and he woke up at the sudden movement. She brushed herself off before taking a hair clip out of her bag and getting some of it out of her face. "There." Kian stood and brushed himself off. As he began to, some bushes in the distance began to shake, rustling the leaves. Slowly, Avalon bent down to pull a pocket knife out of her bag. She put it out in front of her with her knees bent a bit, ready to run if necessary.
"Ava..." Kian trailed behind her before grabbing her arm. "Let's go."
Avalon shrugged off his grip and walked forward, very slowly. "Who's there? Show yourself. I don't want to have to throw this at you." The rustling in the leaves stopped but Avalon and Kian stayed in their stances before loosening up. Avalon turned to look at Kian, closing and shoving the pocket knife into her pocket. "Let's go. It was probably a bunny." And on cue, Avalon was tackled. Arms wrapped around her neck and she began to choke. She pulled at their arms, unable to speak. She flailed her legs while Kian stepped back to avoid being hit. Although, he just stood there, staring and a bit in shock. He did nothing.

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