Accidentally Stealing on Purpose

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Avalon leaned up so their noses were practically touching except it wasn't their noses but their lips. After a moment, Avalon pulled back to see him in shock. Gradually, he got off her and stepped back, outstretching a hand. She took it and pulled herself to her feet, looking around the stadium before finding the person in charge. She faced him. "Let us go! We refuse to fight!" She screamed but he didn't respond for a while before bringing the speaker up to his mouth.
From every entrance and only exits, two guards entered through and created a circle around the two. Noah and Avalon went back to back, ready to fight but before one could commence, a voice screamed from somewhere in the stadium bleachers.
"Avalon! Noah!" Kian screamed. "Catch!" Kian threw Avalon's bag to Avalon, which she had perfectly caught hold of and began rummaging through. Inside, she picked out her pocket knife and dropped her bag beside her, holding the knife out in front of her. Noah had quickly grabbed the spear, which he had been holding now.

At the same time, two guards ran towards the pair. Avalon flicked the knife forward, stabbing the guy in the neck while Noah flung the spear at the guard running towards him, hitting him in the chest. From there, Noah turned left when Avalon turned left as well, leaving them both being back to back. Noah punched the guard running up to him while Avalon kicked the guard coming towards her. Each of the pair then rolled to the right, grabbing their own weapons and holding them out in front of them, each stabbing another guard before jumping to their feet and turning to face each other. Noah screamed watch out before firing his spear towards Avalon. She ducked, causing it to spear the guy behind her. They smiled at each other before Avalon's quickly faded. "Noah!"
A guard had grabbed him from behind, locking his head in his arms. Noah tugged at the guards arms but he was much stronger than Noah.
"Put the knife down!" The guard yelled. Avalon dropped the knife to her side and put her hands in the air. Her gut had a weird feeling and she turned around abruptly, kneeing the guy and then kicking him in the gut. The guard held his stomach as he stumbled back. Avalon bent down, grabbing the knife and holding it out in front of her. "Leave us alone!" She demanded. The guard didn't listen and in response, leaped towards her only for her to duck in time. He fell to the floor and Avalon took this time to get back at anyone who had put her in this situation. She got on the guard, holding his head up and bringing the knife close to his face before looking directly at the other guard. "Let him go." The guard refused to listen resulting in ending the other guards life. Avalon stood a few feet from the guard. "I said let him go."
The guard shook his head. "No."
"Let him go!" Kian shrieked from the crowd. "This is wrong! You're making others fight! They have a life to live! Let them! Let them go! Let them go! Let them go!" Kian's chant caused everyone else in the crowd to do the same. Soon, everyone was screaming it at once. This made the leader furious. He guard holding Noah was surprised, unknowing what to do. Noah took this advantage and stepped on the guards foot. He let go and stumbled back but still in shock from the crowd.
"Now go!" Avalon ordered the guard. Afraid, he obeyed, running off. Avalon turned around and faced the leader. "Let us go!"
There was silence before the leader stood up, walking away in defeat. It was everyone against him. With a smile on her face, Avalon turned to Noah. "You good?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Actually, no. I'm confused. About us. What's are we, Avalon?"
She sighed, walking up to him. "I don't know. What I do know is that my brother is not going to accept this. Us. But I'll make it work."
Noah smiled at his before kissing Avalon who no doubted kissed back. Everyone in the crowd cheered. Even Kian. And that's saying something since he hated Avalon. Hated.

Later on, Avalon, Noah and Kian met up to try and find a way out of the palace. They had been unsuccessful for a very long time that is until they came across another long and dark hallway. Only this time, it led to a door. A heavy door but with a simple lock. Courageously, they ran toward and the boys began to pound on the sturdy wood. It wouldn't budge and clearly no one was anywhere near on the other side. Noah turned back.
"I'll go get the axe." He declared before being stopped by Avalon who grabbed him by the arm.
"I got this. I think I can open it."
"How?" Kian asked. "We don't have anything. They took away your bag, our stuff! And, no offence, but if we can't get it open, neither can you on your own."
"I'm sorry?" Avalon placed a hand on her hip. "You owe me twenty bucks if I can get this thing open on my own."
"No, I'll own you my life." Kian corrected.
"Deal." Avalon cocked her head to the side before pulling the hair clip out of her hair. It had been one and the only thing she had retrieved from when she was taken away in the forest and was relieved when she found it in her pocket jus now. She bent the clip in order for it to fit in the lock and stuck it in, moving it around in every direction before finally moving it to the left and then to the right. In response from the door, it clicked and Avalon gently pushed it open to reveal a blue sky. Avalon took in the cleaner air. It was nice. Refreshing. Avalon had decided right there and then that she needed to find her way back. She needed to be back with her brother and she needed to face her father. Once and for all.

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