Am I Running Because I'm in Danger or is This Just My Mental Break Down?

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They had arrived at the gates of a castle. Did castles even exist anymore? Probably not but this one I guess was an excuse. As they pulled up to the gates and were allowed in, a guard came up to the carriage and held a spray bottle in front of Avalon's face.
"Hey!" She screamed before passing out as a cloud of smoke hovered over her.

The next time Avalon awoke was on the floor. A dusty, dirty floor. Her eyes slowly opened and she scrambled to her feet, taking in her surroundings. "Wha- where- where am I?" She stumbled.
"My dungeon." A deep voice responded before showing their figure. It was the same guy as before.
"Let me go!" Avalon ran to the door and gripped the metal bars. "Let me go!" She tugged but they were made of metal.
"Can't do that, Princess." The old man smirked.
"What am I doing here?"
"Yup are here for my feast! If you are worthy enough."
"What do you mean worthy enough?"
"You'll see, pretty."
"Don't call me that. You're an ugly old man!"
"Why thank you." He put a hand over his chest. "Best compliment I've been given all day. Guards! Take her to the arena." On command, two slim men walked up to the cage and began to unlock it. Avalon ran to the furthest wall, unknown of how that would ever help her.
"No!" She screeched yet they didn't flinch. They each grabbed an arm and headed outside of the cage and all the way to a gate that had slowly began going up. Spikes that dug into the ground were now being lifted into the air. The men pushed her through and she stumbled before getting back up on her feet to hear a crowd. A large crowd. In the big stadium on the other side, appeared Noah who had also just been pushed through a gate. There was a loud bang, signifying the gates had been closed abruptly. Over the speakers, someone spoke.
"Dear ladies and gentleman!" The same man as before. "Here we witness two young individuals fight to save their own lives! Who will come out on top? Who knows?! The rules of the game are as follows; you earn your weapons by doing simple yet rewarding tasks! This is a fight to the death! No rules, free game. And commence!"
Avalon looked at Noah who looked back. They slowly walked towards each other before meeting 12 footsteps apart.
"Are you okay?!" Avalon yelled.
"Oh I'm ready." He smirked.
"What? What are you talking about? We're not gonna fight!"
"Speak for yourself." In seconds, Noah sprinted towards her, determined to end her. She dodged as she stepped to the side as he flung his body at her. He landed with a grunt.
"Noah, what's wrong with you?" She asked, terrified.
He got back on his feet. "I've never felt better before."
"Noah, stop it!" She screamed as he ran towards her again. She sprinted away. "Noah, please, no. Don't do this!"
Now was not the best time to be having a panic attack. Avalon had to get through this. She just had to. "Why are you acting like this? I'm sorry if I said something. You're a nice person, Noah. Find that in you!"
"Award for first attack! An axe!" The announcer said into a microphone. Out of no where, an axe was thrown at Noah but his quick instincts caught it. He threw it at Avalon, slicing some of her hair off.
"Noah!" She screeched before running again. The same thing continued. Noah would continue throwing an axe at her way yet with her running around, no damage was dealt. Instead, he gave up and ran after her. Eventually, he caught up to her, plummeting her to the ground. "I don't know what they gave you, Noah, but you're not acting like yourself. But 8 know they gave you something. Did you eat something? Drink something? What is making you act like this?"
"Nothing. Don't you want to survive?" He spat.
"First contact! A spear will be rewarded!" The announcer spoke again. Suddenly, a spear was thrown at Noah and he caught it. He put the wooden handle against her throat as he had her pinned down.
"Noah, don't do this." She choked.
"I'll do whatever I want."
"Noah, please. Listen to me!"
"No!" He pressed harder. "Now shut up."
Avalon felt sorry but she took the chance, kneeing him in the nuts. He fell to her side as she got back on her feet, grabbing the spear and pointing it to him. "Tell me what they gave you."
"Nothing, you psychopath." He spat.
She pretended to launch forward and he flinched. Avalon dropped the spear to her side. "You don't remember, do you?"
"They didn't give me anything!" He jumped up, grabbing the spear but Avalon didn't run this time. Instead, she faced him so close they could kiss. Then she turned around, facing the announcer.
"What did you give him?!" She screamed. No response. "What did you give him!" She demanded again. No response. "You psychopath ogres! Tell me!" No response... again. "Fine."
"Avalon!" A worried voice screamed form the side of the arena. Through a gate window, Avalon could just see the face of Kian.
"Kian!" She screamed.
"I know what they gave him! It's a pill! It makes people more ferocious because it'll make them feel stronger, more powerful!" He screamed before being taken by the arm and dragged away. "Avalon!"
She stood there, confused and surprised. So now that she knew the problem, how could she fix it. She continued t9 stare at the window in the gate and Kian ran up to it again, his face appearing. "You have to make him face the one thing he cares for most!"
"How am I supposed to do that?" She screamed back but it was too late. He had been dragged off again. Before Avalon could replay the words in her head, the bar was against her neck once again and she was pushed back into a body. She brought her hands up to the bar. "Noah, listen to me. What do you care for most?"
"Winning!" He smirked.
"No, I know you don't, Noah. C'mon, what do you really care about?"
"Nothing!" He kicked her forward. She stumbled before turning to face him.
"I want to help you, Noah. Let me."
"I don't need saving."
"From this state, you do. I know you. This isn't that same person."
For a second, Avalon thought that this would be the moment she would die. She would never find out what he truly desired. Never. That is until he charged at her and they both fell to the ground. Once again, Noah was on top of Avalon, pinning her down with the stick across her neck for the third time. Although Avalon had hit her head against a rock, that's what did it. She knew exactly what he wanted and she wasn't happy about it.

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