It's Kind Of Diabolicle

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There was a guy's laughter but when Avalon looked at Kian, it wasn't his

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There was a guy's laughter but when Avalon looked at Kian, it wasn't his. She stomped on the stranger's foot and he let her go but without feeling any pain. Avalon turned around, ready to fight but she brought her guard down as the boy continued laughing.
"What the heck?!" She screamed. "Who are you?!"
"I should be asking you the same thing." He suddenly became serious.
"I said, who are you?" Avalon repeated. The guy was tall and attractive but there was no way Avalon was going to get with a stranger. At least not before knowing them.
"Fine, fine. I'm Noah." He outstretched a hand but Avalon refused and instead bent down to pick up her knife. "And you are?"
"None of your business."
"Nice to meet you none-of-your-business. You're cute. Who's your friend?"
"Don't." Avalon snapped. "Don't call me that."
"What? Cute? Then what do you want me to call you?"
Avalon flung her bag onto her shoulders. "No one because we are on our way." Avalon grabbed Kian's hand and began walking away from the tall boy.
"You're gonna leave me here?!" He called out.
"Yup. Goodbye!"
"Wait!" He ran up to her and grabbed her arm. She shrugged his grip off. "I'm sorry for teasing."
"You're not forgiven."
"Please just let me join you guys. I'm useful."
"How?" Avalon crossed her arms, standing her ground as he pleaded.
"I can make a fire. I can build stuff out of wood. I know how to make shelter and find food. I also know what's poisonous, you need me."
Avalon was silent but refused to break eye contact with the boy before answering. "Fine. But double cross us and I'll feed you to the alligators."
"Deal." The boy out out his hand once again.
"Avalon." Avalon rejected him and kept moving forward. Kian stepped up towards Noah and whispered.
"She's a tool, watch out. I'm Kian." He put out a hand but Noah didn't see it. His eyes were fixed on the girl.
"She's amazing is what she is."
"Bro, you don't have a chance, I know her."
"Oh yeah?" Noah looked at Kian.
"Yes, dude."

Avalon had always been walking in front of the guys as they walked farther into the woods. She was confident so of course she was leading. Noah took this time and silence to get to know her better. He slowed down so he was walking at Kian's pace.
"So what do you know about her?"
"What do I know about her? Well, she has an older brother and no friends. She acts tough but actually gets nervous easily. She has anxiety and is 14. She's really good at school and always gets good grades. But I know what you want to hear and the answer is I don't know." Kian replied.
"You don't know if she has a boyfriend or not?"
Kian shook his head. "I don't think so but I'm also not certain."
"Just take it easy with her. Not full on." Kian warned.
"Why not?"
"Because she'll light you on fire if you try too hard."
Noah swallowed. Avalon wasn't the only one who was confident today.

Later that night, they had found a nice spot in the woods where they would set up camp. Avalon continued to look for water while Kian had to stop and take a rest. He stayed at camp while Noah also went out but instead of looking for water, he went looking for dry wood to make a campfire. A few hours later, the both of them returned and Noah went right to work with building the fire. Avalon had been unfortunate and wasn't able to find clean water. Or any water for that matter. They were sitting on logs with a fire in the centre and it was a peaceful quiet.
"So where are you guys headed?" Noah asked.
Avalon and Kian exchanged glances before Ava spoke up. "Nowhere. We're just running away."
"Same! Where are you guys from?" Noah asked.
"That's confidential."
"Do you guys want to know where I'm from?"
"Don't care." Avalon rolled her eyes as she warmed up next to the fire but at the same time, Kian said sure. Avalon gave him a stink-eye.
"Well that's confidential." Noah smirked causing Avalon to roll her eyes yet again.
Avalon stood up. "I'm going to bed. Good night." She walked away to find a place to rest for the night. The last thing she heard were crickets and frogs before falling into a deep sleep.

Avalon woke up in a daze by someone roughly shaking her. "Get up, Avalon. Time to get up."
"Noah, leave me alone." She pushed him away weakly before turning her back to him.
"No, get up. I think people are coming."
Avalon sat up immediately and looked around. "From where? What direction?" Noah pointed. Avalons grabbed her bag from beside her and stood. "Where's Kian?"
"Still asleep."
"Wake him up, we're leaving." Noah ran off and Avalon looked behind her and deeper into the forest before looking back in front of her. Noah was right. People were following them. The voices of two males could be heard yet they seemed far. But not far enough. From the bushes emerged Noah and Kian. Kian only half awake before Avalon grabbed his arm and began sprinting, Noah following close behind. "We need to leave. Now. And get as far away from here as possible." Avalon instructed as she began to quicken her pace.

Avalon led them far into the woods before stopping to take a break. Everyone had their hands on their knees as they gasped for air.
"We... need to keep... moving." Avalon exclaimed.
"Can't... we just... stop... here?" Kian asked. "And rest?"
"I agree." Noah pointed at Kian.
"No, we need to keep going. Come on." Avalon began walking before Noah jogged up to her, grabbing her arm.
"Please, Avalon. Let's just stop. Just for a second."
Avalons sighed. "Fine."

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