Rule Number One

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Avalon had still been getting ready in her room upstairs when Noah walked in. Avalon was just about to head down.
"Hey, Noah!" She smiled wide. "Have you gone downstairs yet?"
"No," he shook his head slightly. "I was waiting for you."
"That's so nice of you, Noah! Let's head down. Do you think my brother will be here?"
"The guy with the beanie?"
"Yeah. Think he'll be here? I hope so."
"How about we don't worry about that? Let's have a good night and speaking of good night, I have something to ask you. It's serious," Noah took Avalon's hands in his. In his eyes, she was stunning. No words could describe her but gorgeous. She had put on a light pink dress that sparkled and flowed and when Avalon would twirl, it obeyed. Gladly.
"Okay." There was a hint of concern in her voice and Avalon was worried for what was about to come next before Archie ran through the door.
"Avalon, where have you been? This is a celebration about you and you aren't even downstairs yet!" He screamed before running up and grabbing her arm. "C'mon, Noah. Everyone is downstairs."
"Oh. Okay," Avalon nodded before turning to Archie as she was being dragged away. "We can talk later, Noah! Promise!"

Once downstairs, Avalon took a look around, looking for her brother. As she turned back to Archie, she noticed he had fled. Avalon jumped when there was a tap on her shoulder and she spun around. Veronica. She had a drink in hand. It was a red cup.
"Hey, Ava! Glad you came down. Where's Kian and Noah."
"I don't know. Noah's upstairs though. Do you- do you see Jughead?"

The girls practically had to scream over the ear-piercing music.

Veronica shook her head. "Sorry, girl. No, I haven't. I don't think this is his crowd." She placed a hand on Avalon's shoulder. "But Betty's in the kitchen. Go say hi!"
Avalon nodded. "I will." And Veronica walked off. "Right after I find Jughead."

After hours of searching, Avalon gave up and left to find her phone. Running upstairs, away from the party, and into her room, Avalon picked her phone up off her bed and called his number. No response. She called again and debated leaving a message only to hang up... once again. She figured (and hoped) he was on his way. Maybe? Hopefully. Maybe he was about to walk through the front door any moment. Maybe he was just about to call her right back. Maybe-
"Oh. Hey Kevin."
"I'm glad to see and hear you're okay!" He went in for a hug. She accepted ye5 quickly pulled away. "How are you?"
"I'm great! Glad to be back! Have you seen perhaps..." Avalon began fiddling with her fingers as she grew nervous just thinking about him.
"No. Sorry, Ava. I don't think..."
"That this is his crowd?"
"Yeah," he sighed.
"Yeah, I know. Thanks though. I think I'm going to go find Noah now. He wanted to talk."
"Noah?" Kevin repeated.
"Yeah, I met him in the woods. He was running too from... I mean, I got to go. Nice to see you, bye!" Avalon dashed out of the room before going to the guest bedroom but Noah wasn't there. She ran downstairs and into the party, looking for him but it made it difficult when people would stop her and want a hug as well as congratulate her on surviving. Quite frankly, she didn't care. She could care less!

But it was a different story for Noah. He was getting more questions similar to, "who are you?" He wasn't fond of answering. At least not with the truth.

Eventually, Noah bumped into someone, but this time with someone his height.
"Noah! I was looking for you! What did you want to talk about?"
"I..." he rubbed the back of his neck. "I wanted to tell you that... I think- no. I know I love you. Do you- I don't know... maybe... feel the same way?"
"Noah... yeah, I do. I really do, actually."
Noah cracked a laugh. "Okay, that's really good to hear. I was way too nervous."
"It's alright. So... we're dating?"
"Yeah... I guess so."
And as if on cue, the front door flew open. Some people stopped dancing. Others continued like they didn't notice.
"I'm sorry, Noah, but I gotta go."
But barely before the words escaped his mouth, Avalon was running for her brother.
"Jughead! Jughead!" She yelled over the noise but it wasn't enough. "Jughead!"

Eventually and after a long while, Avalon made her way through the crowd and tapped her brother's back. He turned in his black suit.
"You came!" Avalon felt like crying from joy.
"I tried," he shrugged with his hands in his pockets. "Sorry I walked out yesterday. Guess I'm still made about our dad. He... I found out."
"Oh. So... you know?"
"Yeah. Avalon, I'm still mad you didn't tell me but... I'm really just glad you're safe."
Avalon smiled and laughed. "Yeah, me too."
"So... big party."
"Yeah. Oh! I think we should try that introduction again but this time... someone's got a nickname," Avalon smirked.
"I'm not following," Jughead shook his head before his little sister dragged him off into a corner and tapped Noah's arm.
"Jughead, Noah. Noah, Jughead. Jughead, this is my boyfriend."
"You have a boyfriend already?"
"Nice to meet you," Noah smiled. "Again."
"Treat my sister right and we won't have problems," Jughead replied.
Noah nervously laughed before Veronica stumbled over, drunk. "Hey guys!"
Jug groaned. "I smell the alcohol."
"Loosen up!" Veronica laughed as Archie ran over.
"Hey bud."
"Hey guys," Betty walked over with a drink in hand. Orange juice, of course.

And before they knew it, they were dancing along to the music. Avalon's life was great- no. Perfect. But how is anything perfect? Maybe, this was the worse of it. Maybe better things were to come and this really was just the beginning or perhaps it could be the end. That'd be nice. A happy ending, right? But what you think is the end is really just the beginning.

The End

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