The Serpent Doors

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"Guys," Avalon faced her friends. "This was a mistake. We need to find our way back home."
"I agree." Nodded Kian.
"What?" Noah blurted. "We can't go back!"
"Why not?" Avalon asked.
"Because... I thought we were leaving our homes. Not going back to them! C'mon, there's got to be a reason you guys were leaving." Noah sputtered.
Kian shook his head. "Not really. I just hate home and I've always wanted to go camping. I wasn't leaving."
"I just followed Kian into the forest." Avalon admitted. "Yeah, I had the materials as if I was leaving and I was considering it but it wasn't like I was going to follow through with abandoning my home! Noah, we're you going to leave your home?"
"Well," Noah began to stutter for a while, unable to make a single sentence. "No, I was- ugh- no- I was- you know what? Nevermind."
"Great! So let's get going!" Avalon clapped her hands together and began walking away, Kian and Noah following close behind.

They were well into the dry forest. Avalon was determined and continued to march along while Noah's nerves grew and Kian was practically dead.
"How much longer?" He complained.
"I don't know." Avalon shrugged. "Two hours? Two days?"
"Two days?! Uggggggghhhhh. Noah?"
"I'm not carrying you, Kian."
"Ugggggghhhh. You guys are trying to kill me!"
"No, you're trying to kill us with your complaining." Avalon corrected.
"You're mean."
"Wasn't a compliment."
"You're not a compliment."
Kian hit his hand to his chest, pretending to be offended.
"Hurry up, Kian." Noah ordered without paying any attention.

The rest of the trip/journey continued and they grew wearer by the second.
"Okay, Kian. We can take a break." Avalon said, gasping for air.
"You're only saying that because you're tired!" Kian pointed out.
"Guys, stop bickering."
"We're not bickering." Avalon huffed as she plopped herself down onto a log.
"Yes we are."
Avalon glared at Kian, annoyed with him and his personality in general.

The group of three had been so caught up in their conversation that they didn't hear the voices of others until their footsteps had grown near.
"Wait," Avalon whispered. "I hear something."
They waited. And waited and waited until a figure emerged from the bushes. In reaction, Avalon jumped to her feet and the figures emerged from the bushes.
"Veronica! Betty! Archie!" Avalon ran into their arms in excitement of seeing her best friends.
"We're so glad you're safe."
"And that we found you."
"Are you okay?" Betty asked.
"I'm fine! I can't believe you found us!" Avalon had been filled with excitement. Her brother, yet to talk to her. "This is Kian and Noah." Avalon gestured to the two.
The adults waved back but Jughead. "Let's get you all back home."
"Agreed." Avalon sighed.

Eventually, the seven individuals had arrived at Veronica's. They had agreed it was best because there were more beds in her house thought as a mansion. In the living room downstairs, Archie was on his phone. Veronica had been chatting with Betty in her room while Kian and Noah got settled in the guest bedroom by putting on fresh clothes. Jughead and Avalon were in the other guest bedroom. Avalon wasn't ready to face her father just yet. Yet. As Avalon was folding her clothes and finding places for them in the closet, Jughead had began conversation. One, she hoped would never happen.
"Avalon." She spun around at the sound of her name.
"Why did you run off and who are those two boys?"
"Their names are Noah and Kian. Kian goes to my school."
"And Noah?"
"He... we found him. Alone. In the forest."
Jughead sighed before continuing. "And you just trusted him?"
"He needed help, Jughead. I was going to help him."
"And what did he need help with?"
"None of your business."
"Avalon, you ran away. I was worried sick!"
"I didn't run away! I got lost."
"Avalon! I don't care." He groaned through gritted teeth.
"You... don't care? You don't care?! Are you serious?! I was missing and you didn't care?!"
"No, of course I cared! You're my sister!"
"Yes, I am! But I'm also old enough to be home alone. I don't need a babysitter and I certainly don't need you!"
"I said no! Get out."
"Answer the question, Avalon. Why did you run away? You don't care about your family because you're selfish, right? Say it, Avalon. You know it's true."
"It's not true!" She pushed him towards the door. "Get out!"
With one last glance at his little sister, he left, slamming the door behind him. Avalon sighed before getting back to cleaning the room.

Later that evening, they were having dinner. A peaceful and quiet dinner. That is until Archie spoke.
"I think we should host a party. To celebrate having Avalon back and to welcome Noah and Kian."
"I agree!" Veronica quickly exclaimed. "Inner circle only, of course."
"Yeah." Archie nodded before turning to Avalon. "How does that sound?"
"Great." Avalon nodded before then turning to Noah. "What do you think?"
"It's awesome!"
"I don't really go to parties. It's too many people." Kian said, bringing the mood down.
"C'mon, Kian. Lighten up a bit."
"It'll be fun, Kian." Avalon urged.
"Yes! We can invite Betty too."
"Of course." Archie nodded.
"This is going to be awesome!" Avalon shrieked.
"Yeah!" Everyone else screamed but Jughead. Archie had noticed as well as Avalon and here for nudged him in the side. Jughead looked up at Archie, confused.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay." He mumbled, going back to his food that he had strangely avoided.
"You're not eating." Archie pointed out and in response, Jughead shoved his chair back and stood up.
"Not hungry."
"Not hungry?" Avalon repeated. "Do we have the right Jughead?"
"I'm just not hungry, Avalon." He dead-panned, killing the joke. "I'm heading home. You coming?" He nodded towards his little sister who shook her head.
"No, I'm gonna stay here tonight. With Kian and Noah."
Jughead scoffed at this. "Right. Of course. Cya all at school tomorrow." And left.

A/n: Thanks for 100 reads!

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