[48] Lucky Shot

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l u c k y  s h o t

After Conrad's lecture, I walk up to Venice in the hallway and tug him by the sleeve. "Hey, Venny."

"Oh hey," he says, turning around. "How's Miss Jensen doing today?"

I cringe, giving him a face. "Don't say that, it makes me feel old." Then I smile and rock back and forth on my heels. "Anyways, good luck at the game today. I'll be there—with Kayley, of course."

He sighs, scratching his head. "Yeah, but I wouldn't be surprised if she used her 'going to the bathroom' as an excuse for a quickie with someone in the bleachers." He'd be okay with that?Venice pauses and looks at me like he's dumb. "Nevermind, you probably don't even know what I'm talking about." So he doesn't care?

"Yes, yes I do," I breathe out, my cheeks turning a little bit red. "I've learned a bit about that kind of stuff since we first met."

"Oh, really?" Venice asks, raising an eyebrow as he chuckles. "Okay Miss Lightswitch."

I pout, walking forward as he continues in his path. "I'm sorry, not everyone is as cultured as you."

"Culture is all around us." He gestures his hands around to explain his case. "I don't know how you didn't know what the term 'turn-on' meant."

"Yes, but you can turn on a lightswitch. Though now I know you can also turn on someone's libido, which is, in effect, called a turn-on." I glance over at him and his wide blue eyes. "Told you I learned a thing or two."

"What the hell happened to Covey?"

I shrug, trying to fight my blush. "Someone recommended me Fifty Shades of Grey, that's what happened. That's the short story." And I should shut up about this before I expose myself.

"You should never read erotica," he mutters, shaking his head. "That shit comes from the devil."

I smirk to myself and let out a tiny laugh. Yeah, well the devil was once an angel too. And Coco Puff is certainly an angel in disguise. 


Kayley walks out of the bathroom in a black dress with her hair curled. Her long legs seem even longer because of the dress being so short—but she looks pretty. Really pretty. 

"Now, what are you going to wear?" she asks, giving me a wicked grin.

I hold up Conrad's hoodie and a pair of mom jeans. "This?"

She shakes her head and gives me a disgusted look. "Cute, but not for the occasion." Walking around to my dresser, she starts digging in and I let her. I have a lot of clothes I don't wear. "Let's try something more slutty." Woah there, calmers downers.

"I don't need to dress up," I say, a little apprehensive. "I just want to watch the game."

"You might not need to, but you can do it for fun." She glances back at me and shrugs. "And then you can take some sexy pics for that secret boyfriend of yours."

I eye her warily, biting my lower lip. Coco Puff would blow his brains out if I wore something revealing without him there to bodyguard me. "Do you think he'd like that?"

"Venice likes that kinda stuff, gives him something so he can sleep at night." She smiles at me, throwing a mini skirt and crop top on my bed. "Here, this should do."

Pursing my lips together, I nod and grab the outfit before walking into the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror, I reluctantly slip on the pair of clothes I'd never necessarily pick for myself. I'd wear one piece or the other, never both together. It's just too... revealing. Swallowing air, I fix the shirt so it's straight and tie the small bow at the top of the skirt, and then I walk out of the bathroom to meet Kayley.

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