Fuck Nigga

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My phone was ringing without looking at the caller ID , i pick it up.

"Who is it?" I groaned.
I been pissed the fuck off , Damien kept coming by the house harassing and threatening me. Hell im close to knocking his head off his shoulders , he fuck with it.

"Sasha." My sister said.
"My bad girl wassup?" I asked.
"Kayla please lemme come this weekend." She begged.
"Whats going on?" I asked.
"Dad getting on my everlasting nerves and his pregnant ass girlfriend bullshitting." She said.
"Watch the language Sasha , and yeah i guess." I said.

My dad was married to this gold digging bitch , that look like she can be my damn sister. She was bout 25 she younger than me. My dad the only parent Sasha got in her life , we dont know our momma , dad said she bail after Sasha was born , hell im Sasha mom seem like it.

"Thank God , and Make sure Damien ugly ass , i mean self aint there." She said.

" i left his pussy ass and got with a new man." I told her.
"Awhh , who is he , can i meet him?" She screamed in excitement.
"His name Eddy and you will love him and yes you can." I told him.
"He aint no freak is he? Ion need no weird guy sniffimg round my sister." She said.

This girl was a hot mess , but i love and adore her more than life itself.

"Naah he's neither and when you get here i got something to tell you." I told her.

I was debating whether or not i should tell my sister I'm a stripper and decide its best for her to hear it from me than on the streets

"Oooh , what is it?" She asked.
"Just wait and you shall find out." I told her.
"Okay , well i gotta go , love you big sis."
"Love you more." I said hanging up.

After i got off the phone with Sasha i decided to return Damien calls , hell i knew i was gonna regret it.

"Fine time you call." He said.
"What is it that you want?" I asked him annoyed.
"Imma give you one more chance to take me back." He said.

This nigga was fucking stupid , i wasn't gonna take him back if my life depended on it.

"No." I said. His ass was really tripping.

"Im not gonna even yell nor fuss , you got me fuck up if you think imma let another man get the benefit of a doubt to have my women , im not gonna let another man destroyed what i built nor let him fuck you the fuck i look like." He told me.

I was astonish and taking a back about what Damien was saying , he done grow some balls and using them , but i didn't give a fuck what's done is done. It aint all about the dick cause if it was i would have been left his prune ass earlier than i already did.

"Damien look at you , lets get this straight , im not your women . When i was your women i wasnt even your women if you get what im saying . Two you dont have a choice to let him fuck me he is going to and already is. Three you already detroyed what you made an attempt to build. Now good bye Damien." I said hanging up the phone.

I really aint had time for his bullshit.
Damien aint shit , i remember when i would have done any and everything to make him happy , but then i got to a point i stop trying and caring.

Why cry over a nigga who ain't going to cry over me? I may be crazy but im not dumb. The same games these niggas out here playing same games us women can play. Then they get mad when we use they own game on them . Hell we can't win from losing.

I may be a stripper but i'll be damn if i lack commom sense like most people say. A nigga better check himself , before Apple make em reck him self.

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