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The next day Y/n woke up before anyone else and changed and cleaned the wounds the best she could on her back. She slipped a flowy shirt on along with another pair of black pants. She walked underdeck, walked past the hammocks with her friends in them quietly, and grabbed some food.

She sat on the front of the ship and ate her food quietly, her legs dangling above the water. She hummed a sea shanty to herself and finished off her food.

"You okay Y/n?" Niki asked suddenly. Startled Y/n nodded.

"I saw bloody bandages outside your room..." Niki sat down next to Y/n on the front of the ship.

"Those are old too."

"Don't lie Y/n." Niki laid her hand on top of Y/n's, causing her to blush and look down at the water to hide her face.

"I'm fine, it's not that big of a deal."

"Did Dream hurt you?"


"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" The sun was almost done rising she knew the others would wake up soon.

"I didn't want anyone to worry. Besides it's not a big deal." She hopped back into the ship and steered more towards the left. The others came out from under deck, Max tugged on Y/n's shirt. She picked him up with a smile.

"Good morning Max, how are you feeling today?"

"Amazing!! Niki braided some of my hair last night!" He showed her a piece of hair that'd been braided.

"That's wonderful, Do you want me to get you some food?"

"I'm pretty hungry..."

"Let's get you some food then." She carried him under the deck and gave him some food. He practically inhaled it. Y/n was already extremely attached to the kid. Once he was done eating they hung out above deck with everyone else.

Protect kid...

Be careful...

Watch out...

She looked around quickly but nothing was there. She sighed and put her hand in her heads. A headache starting to become more prominent.

"Y/n do you know where the money is on the island?" Ranboo asked, braiding little pieces of Tommy's hair.

"No idea, I'm assuming somewhere in the woods. It'd make the most sense." She answered paying close attention to Max. She noticed he fiddled around with his shirt a lot, also stuttered a lot in his talk. Her back was starting to hurt a lot and was sore from the wounds.

Niki pulled Y/n aside from the group.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Okay...We're at the island though." She pointed to the quickly growing closer island.

"Oh shit. TOMMY, PHIL LET THE ANCHOR DOWN!" She ran up to the helm and steered the ship left quickly. The ship came to a slow stop because of the anchor underwater.

"Okay, guys get the rowboat ready and we'll go to the island. Niki I want you to stay with Max." Niki crossed her arms and so did Max.

"I want to go with you though!"

"It's safer on the boat, especially since you don't know how to fight very well. We don't know what's on the island. Plus I trust you probably the most on this ship to take care of Max." Niki frowned.

"Fine. I'll stay back with Max."

"Thank you Niki." Y/n gave Niki a warm smile.

"I'll stay back with them!" Ranboo volunteered.

"Okay, your free to stay Ranboo. Everyone else I need you to come with me." Everyone got their weapons and Y/n rowed the rowboat towards the island.

"Be careful, we don't know what to expect." She pulled the boat onto the sand and everyone walked through the trees. Y/n was on her own, Tommy and Tubbo had gone together, Wilbur and Phil had gone together. She had her sword in one had and was whacking at the bushes.

She climbed up a large hill and saw people on the other side. They spotted her and immediately began to run towards her.

"Fuck." She ran through the forest and jumped into a tree. An arrow shot into her arm and she yelled in pain, almost falling off the branch. She jumped onto the branch of a close tree and it snapped under neath her besides it looking strong. Y/n landed on her back, the wind getting knocked out of her. She looked up to see the hilt of a sword coming towards her head.

Until We Meet Again Captain (Niki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now