Chapter 22: MOM???

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Abby's POV

I woke up in a bed in a bedroom. I was really confused. Wasn't I kidnapped? Shouldn't I be in a basement or locked in a cell or something? Or was running away and getting kidnapped all a bad dream? 

The door knob started twisting. Once the door opened, my jaw dropped.


She softly smiled, "hello sweetie, I've finally found you."

She began walking towards me, I shot her a death glare.

"Stay away from me." I hissed.

"But honey, now we can have mother daughter lives together." She replied, "didn't you miss your mother?"

She reached out her hand to crease my cheek, but I smacked it away, "Hell no! You treated dad like shit ever since I disappeared. You gave up on the investigation. Dad didn't."

She held her stinging hand, "that's no way to treat your mother. I'll just have to punish you."

I flung off the bed covers to make a run for it, but she tackled me to the bed and stuck a needle in my leg. I screamed in pain and immediately passed out.

Spencer's POV

I entered my hotel room and tossed my bag on the chair. Another day and still no signs of Abby or the unsub. All the abduction and dump sites don't make any sense to me. I grabbed the map again and looked at all the marked areas where the victims were taken and dumped.

"It just doesn't make sense." I said, "it looks like the unsub has no idea what they're doing."

I then grabbed the photos of the victims. They all had the same characteristics in common; hair color, eye color, and almost age. Something then clicked in my head. I pulled out my phone and held up a recent picture of Abby to the rest of the victim photos. They looked identical.

A memory then flashed through my mind.

"So Maddie where are you from?"
"I grew up in Miami. Although I didn't really pay attention to areas in the place."

"Oh my god." I gasped.

I called Hotch on the phone, "Hotch, all the victims have the same characteristics as Abby. Maddison grew up in Miami and she is trying to get Abby back."

"Abby?" (Spencer Reid's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now