Chapter 23: Rescued

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Spencer's POV

We hurried to the station and I set up the map of all the abduction and dump sites.

"Spencer, are you sure it's your ex wife?" Hotch asked, "we know you both dislike each other."

"I know for sure." I answered.

Morgan called Garcia.

"What can I do for you?" She answered.

"Babygirl look up Madison's information." He said.

"Madison Reid?" She questioned.

"Yes ma'am." He confirmed.

She did some digging, "Madison was born in Miami, Florida on June 17, 1985."

"Thank you, babygirl." He smiled.

"Wait, that's it?" She asked, "why did I look up her information?"

"Spencer remembered that she was born here and the unsub is choosing abduction and dump sites like it's nothing." Morgan answered.

"Oooo sounds like a horrifying Halloween film. Good luck my loves." She ended the call.

"So now that we have our answer." JJ announced, "where could she be?"

I turned to the map and scratched my chin, "her parents left her a house. It could be anywhere within the area of all the marks. Oh god, she could be anywhere."

"Spencer." Emily spoke, "you're the only one who can help on this case. You know practically everything about Madison. If she was looking for Abby, what house was left in her name that she could hide her?"

My mind clicked, "I had a nightmare on the plane. Or maybe. . .it was a vision."

"A vision?" Everyone asked.

"Wait." Morgan spoke, "yeah because you said Abby told you the unsub was a woman. She's gotten you to the point where we figured out it's Madison."

"In the vision, I was in a neighborhood." I circled all the neighborhoods, "there are 3 neighborhood in the area. The house was teal. That's the house we need to look for."

"So the house is in a neighborhood and it's teal. There's 3 neighborhoods to search for the time being while she is potentially holding Abby hostage. That's a lot of houses, Spence." Rossi explained.

"We can split up." Hotch spoke, "Morgan and Reid, JJ and Rossi, Me and Emily."

We got in the SUV's and started the search. Morgan was driving while I sat in the passenger seat. We entered the neighborhood and looked around as we drove.

"Almost every house in Miami is a bright color." Morgan said, "it's like a needle in a haystack."

I looked around, "it has to be here somewhere. Who knows what she is doing to her."

"We don't know if she has her Spence-"

"There it is!" I pointed at the house.

Morgan put on the lights and called the team, "we found the house."

"Wait for backup." Hotch spoke.

"Fuck no!" I screamed, "I'm going in!"

I held my gun and jumped out of the SUV.

"Reid!" Morgan called my name.

I broke the door down and stormed in. I saw Madison sitting on the couch watching TV as if her evil ass didn't do anything.

"Where is she?" I snarled holding my gun up to her.

"You came quicker than I thought." She turned to me as she ate another handful of popcorn.

Morgan and the others rushed in and pointed their guns at her.


"If you want her so bad. Go find her." She replied as she dropped a lit match.

"Reid watch out!" Emily yelled.

A huge explosion went off and the house was now burning in flames. I got up and coughed. Madison had jumped out of the window.

"Someone go after her!" I yelled.

I made my way a bedroom and looked as best as I could in the fire and smoke.

"Abby!" I yelled, "Abby where are you!"

"Spencer!" Morgan called, "there's a basement over here!"

I rushed to Morgan and saw the basement roaring in flames.

"It's too dangerous to go down there like that." He coughed.

I coughed, "I don't care! I'm finding Abby even if I die trying!"

I took a step but fell down the stairs.

"Reid!" Morgan yelled.

I coughed again as I stood up, "I'm okay!"

I swatted the smoke, hoping it would clear away.

"Abby!" I called.

I couldn't see her anywhere. I did see a closet though. It had a pad lock on it. I shot the lock with my gun and opened the closet.

"Abby!" I gasped.

Her arms and legs were tied and her mouth was taped shut. She was unconscious. . .or worse. I picked her up and looked around. The fire only got worse.

"Spencer!" Morgan yelled.

"I have her!" I yelled holding her tight as I carefully walked up the stairs.

"This place is gonna blow!" He said as I made it to the top.

We ran out of the house. We heard a violent roar and I dropped to my knees and held Abby tight. The house exploded, causing tons of debris to fly everywhere. Once I heard small flames of fire, I gently set Abby down, untied her, and tore off the tape. I immediately started CPR.

"Come on, baby. Come on." I spoke as I gave her chest compressions.

I stopped and laid my head on her chest, there was a faint heart beat. But that wasn't enough for me. I pinched her nose and blew into her mouth. I continued the cycle of that and chest compressions.

"Abby please!" I cried as I continued chest compressions.

Her eyes shot open as she gasped for air and coughed violently.

"Abby!" I hugged her tightly.

"Dad. . ." She softly spoke.

"Oh god I thought I lost you forever." I sobbed.

We were both rushed to the hospital. Abby was treated for some small burns, dehydration, and smoke in her lungs. I was treated for smoke in my lungs and shards of glass in my back. After they were done with me, I wasted no time to get to my daughter.

"Abby." I said sitting next to her.

She looked down as if she knew what I was going to say.

"Why did you run away from home?" I asked.

"I thought you would've figured out why." She answered softly.

"I found your diary." I answered, "I didn't want to read it because that's your privacy and you deserve that. But I needed to find out what happened."

"Putting my in school was the worst decision ever." She answered, "I didn't know anything. And the teacher didn't take the time to explain it to me so I could understand it. If I was homeschooled, and if a teacher walked me through the problems, then I would understand it better. Public school was just too stressful on me, dad. I'm sorry."

"Honey, don't be sorry." I placed my hand on her shoulder, "I should be the one who is sorry. As smart and geeky as I am, I should've known immediately putting in school after finding you was a horrible idea. I promise that as soon as we get out of here and head back home, you'll be homeschooled."

She softly smiled at me, "thanks dad."

I gently hugged her, "I'm just glad to have you back in my arms."

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