Chapter 21: Close to them

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Derek's POV

I was putting on my vest as Spencer was talking to Hotch trying to save himself from leaving the case. Hotch knew that Spence was falling apart by the moment.

"Hotch I can do this case." He told Hotch.

"Reid you've been unstable since Abby went missing. There's no way you can do the case."

"But these victims match Abby's description and it has me feeling that Abby will be the next body popping up at some point. I need to do this case and find this unsub before any other girl is mistaken and killed."

There was nothing but silence.

"Do you have a recent picture of Abby?"

There was the sound of papers shuffling around.

"This was on her first day of school."

"I'll give this photo to the news and we'll announce that she needs to be found."

I watch Hotch walk out of the conference room and I walked in. Spencer was pacing back and forth looking at the board of dead girls. I walked over to him and rest my hand on his shoulder.

"We are going to find her, Spence."

"I just need her with me now while this is going on. It's like this unsub is hunting for her. Like these girls are getting taken from behind and then beaten and killed if it's not who their looking for." He explained.

Abby's POV

I was walking around the town enjoying the sun on my skin. I then heard the crinkling sound of trash bags against the wind. To my left was a dumpster and a huge pile of trash bags. I was about to shake off the weird feeling in my stomach until I saw a leg from the pile. I was confused at why that could be there.

I slowly walked over to that trash bags and looked around. I slightly moved a trash bag and saw a body of a girl around my age. My eyes widened in fear and I held my mouth to prevent myself from making any noise. I ran away as fast as I could away from the scene. Police were soon to be arriving to that area. 

And if there is a serial killer around, my father and his team wouldn't be far from here. I stopped running as soon as I entered a busy part of town. I walked passed a TV store with TVs in the window.

"15 year old Abigail Reid has been missing for about 5 days." The News reporter said.

My attention was now on the TVs.

"She ran away from home one day after she was dropped off at school. If you have seen her or have any information, please call the authorities." He finished.

And worst of all there was a photo of me on the screen. I was surrounded by people and I was easily recognizable. I put my head down and walked away.

Spencer's POV

We arrived at the scene where the body of Emily Westing was found. JJ pulled off the cover to reveal the body. My mind wanted to imagine that it was my daughter, but I knew it wasn't.

"They say the body was dumped around 3am." JJ said.

"There are many cuts and bruises on her." Rossi stated as he looked at the body.

Suddenly, a man walked up to us, "Are you the FBI?"

"Yes we are." Hotch answered.

"I work at that little store over there." He said pointing behind him, "And I think I saw that missing girl."

My head shot up at him.

"Abigail Reid?" Morgan asked showing a photo.

"Yeah." He answered, "I saw her look at the body and run away."

"Which way did she go?" I asked.

The man pointed down the road to answer my question. Without hesitation, I walked down the road. I looked around every corner to find her.


I heard a scream. I ran down an alley until someone grabbed my shoulder.

"Reid. . .she's not here." Emily told me.

"B-but I swear thta was-"

Spence we heard about the body an hour ago. She could be anywhere right now." She explained, "Come on we need to go."

I slowly followed Emily back to the crime scene. But I swore I heard a girl scream. I swore that she needed help. But with my daughter still missing, I began to think that I was going insane.

Nobody's POV

As Spencer and Emily left the alley, the unsub held their hand over a girl's mouth. And the girl. . . 







was Abby.

"Abby?" (Spencer Reid's Daughter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin