Chapter 11: im stayin w/ u

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Abby's POV

I'm so happy to be with my dad again safe and sound. But wait......where's my mom? "Dad where's mom?" I asked. He looked at the ground and stayed silent. "Dad?" I asked.

Still no answer. "She divorced him." Emily said. "Why?" I asked. "Because she blamed Spencer for your disappearance." Morgan said. "That's bullshit." I said.

"Abby." JJ said.

"Well it is. It's not his fault that I was kidnapped. That guy had a gun to my head, what's dad gonna do? shoot him and that guy would've shot me. And I was only 4. I couldn't protect myself and Dad didn't want to take the chances of me dying." I explained quit annoyed.

"Where is she now?" I asked turning to dad. "We don't know. She packed her stuff and left." Dad said. I was so angry I could cry. She blamed everything on my dad. "Let's find her." I said.

"Uh Abby I don't think that's a good-"

I shot them all a death glare.

"Alright wheels up in 10." Hotch said. I smiled and walked away.

~15 minutes later~

I can't believe my own mother would just leave my dad like that. He said he was going to find me for crying out loud! We arrived at a house and my dad walked to the door.

Spencer's POV

I knocked on the door and Maddie opened it. "Ugh what do you want?" She asked annoyed. "To talk to you about the disappearance of our Abby." I said. "Spencer she was kidnapped 10 years ago and you didn't do a damn thing about it!" She yelled. "That's not true." I said.

Abby walked to the door and Maddie gasped. "Abby?" She asked. "Mother." She growled. We were both shocked at her outburst. "Why are mad at me honey? It should be him you're mad at!" She said.

Abby stepped closer to her. "Because you blamed my disappearance on dad and gave up on me by divorcing him. It wasn't his fault nor was it yours or mine. But he found me and you say he didn't do a damn think about it? You're a sick son of bitch for a mother." She said and walked back to the car. I walked back to the car and we drove off. "Why would you say that to your mom Abby?" Morgan asked. "Because a real mother never gives up on their child. Even if it takes 10 years." She said.

"So does that mean-"


"I'm staying with you dad".

"Abby?" (Spencer Reid's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now