Chapter 13: Odd Behavior

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Spencer's POV

I walk into the house and look around, "Abby?"

No response was heard. 

"Abby!" I called again.

Still no response. I run upstairs and go in her room. She was reading a math book.

"Studying already?" I asked.

"Yeah." She answered harshly.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah everything's just fine." She answered harshly again.

I've never seen her act this way before.

I walk over to her and sit next to her, "How was school?"

She slams her book closed, "School was fine, Dad! Now please get out so I can study for a test I have on Friday!" She yelled pushing me out and slamming the door in my face.

I just stand there shocked it my jaw touching the floor. Something has happened to my Abby, but what? I knock on her door.

"Abby honey can we talk about this? What happened at school?" I asked through the door.

"Nothing I'm just stressed that's all!" She answered.

"Abby there's no way that you have a test for the first week of school." I replied.

She opens the door glaring at me, "School's changed Dad. We have EOC's and stuff like that now. You never did that, Dad. So let me study my own school work." 

She slams the door in my face again. 

"And don't you have work to go to!?!" She yelled through the door.

She was right, I did have work. I was about to knock again, but I paused mid way. I sigh, knowing she didn't want to talk anymore. I lower my hand from the door.

"I love you Abby." I said and walked away.

Abby's POV

"I love you Abby." My dad said.

I hear his footsteps fade away softly. I look down at my math book.

"This girl is so stupid."

"Yeah she doesn't even know how to solve an easy math problem."

"She probably skipped all the other grades and didn't go to school for so many years and just shows up here and not know how to solve anything."


"SHUT UP!" I cried.

I slam my math book shut and cry on my bed.

"Abby?" (Spencer Reid's Daughter)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat