Part 10

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It was a week before my guilty purchase arrived. I had been trying to keep a close eye on the tracking info so I could hopefully intercept the package before anyone went through them. J had a P. O box in Gotham that was kept under a false name for him to receive packages and other mail to. He had given me the address in case I ordered something online. However, just to be safe, all the packages were opened and inspected before they were brought into the house. The guys usually did this in the garage so I had made an excuse to go down there the past couple days to scout out my package. Of course with my luck, the day I was slightly late was the day that it came. I made it to the garage just in time to see Frost cut open the box and raise his eyebrows in surprise.

I hurried over and tried to snatch the box from him before any of the men saw.

"Thanks Frost, I'll just take that." I said.

He moved it slightly out of reach and just looked at me silently. He was a man of few words usually so I knew he was waiting for an explanation. I sighed,

"I saw an ad online for the company and I just felt the urge to buy one. It looked so sweet and cuddly that I just bought it. Please don't tell anyone! It's harmless I swear, no one has to know."

Frost looked at me for a second more before his eyes softened. He smiled slightly,

"I won't tell anyone Blaire," he said softly. "In fact, I might need the name of this company. My husband would go wild buying stuffed animals for the kids."

"You have kids?" I replied, slightly surprised.

He nodded, "Yea twins actually. One boy, one girl. They turn eight in a couple months."

His eyes lit up when he talked about them, making me smile.

"I'll let you know the website. That way your husband can have as much fun as he wants buying them birthday presents," I replied joking.

He laughed, shaking his head,

"Thanks," he handed the box to me."You really are the baby around here."

"I'm older than Harley!" I yelled after him as he walked away.

"Doesn't matter," he called over his shoulder.

I slowly turned around and made my way back to the elevator thinking. It had become a running joke to call me the baby and I was baffled as to why. Harley and I were pretty similar in most ways so it couldn't be that. I mean, I had been here less time but I doubted that was it either. It was really only Frost, Harley, and J that seemed to make the joke. J didn't do it as much but he would poke fun every once and a while. I kept wracking my brain as I made my way to my room.

The men and J's business associates treated me the same as Harley so it was really only people I knew well who called me 'the baby'. It bothered me because it just didn't add up for me. I didn't get what about me made them continue with the joke. After I had tucked my new friend somewhere safe, I went about the rest of my day. I wasn't really present and I could see that people noticed. Harley even tried to ask me if I was alright but I just brushed her off. I assured her I was fine, and came up with a smile that must have been convincing enough since she left me alone. I escaped to my room around eight so I could finally be alone.

I fished my new cow out of it's hiding place and laid down on my bed studying it. I ran my hand through the soft fur before looking at it's face. It dawned on me that most people had names for their stuffed animals. I wasn't sure how to come up with a name so I just looked at it hoping something would come to me. Finally, I decided to call them Chocolate because of the brown fur. It seemed simple enough and I actually liked the sound it it.

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