I'm so lucky to have you

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Y/n : Okay. So as you know, when I was young, I used to get humiliated, bullied, made fun of and also beaten up because I have a black skin. My parents are not from Korea. They came in Daegu for some reasons before my birth and didn't go back to our home country. I don't know why but they used to hate me. They used to beat me, call me names and make me starve for days. I even tried to attempt suicide sometimes, but I again thought about it and stopped myself. In my school, everyone used to hate me. Every single students used to beat me, tease me and watch me getting hurt. Once, a student complained about me to the headmaster that I stole the question papers and threatened him to not tell it to anyone or he would make our headmaster regret it. That day, the headmaster called my parents and told them about me, but I didn't know anything about all of it. When I got back home, I got crazily beaten up. At a time, they broke my hand. I was clueless, I didn't understand why I was getting beaten up that much. The next day, when I went to school with my broken hand, I got to know the reason. When I couldn't bear anymore I decided to just run away from everything. So, when I was 16 years old, I ran away from my home and never went back there. From the money I saved since I was 5, I moved to Seoul and started to do part time jobs to survive. So, I didn't get to study much, even though my dream was to be a software engineer. (sad) But, it's okay, as long as I have you beside me. (smile) And, after that I never met them again even though I want to go to them, talk to them and want to know why they used to hate me. I miss them even though I don't have good memories with them. I think it's because I love them. But sadly, they don't love me back. At first, it was very hard for me to stay all alone here in a city I don't know about. I didn't know anyone, I don't know anything, I didn't know what to do. After all, I was just a kid back then. I remember there were some days when I couldn't eat because I couldn't save money. People didn't want to give me job because I was a child. Then, one day I finally got a job in a cafe and started to work there. And, I think you know about the rest. (smile sadly)

Jimin was listening to my words without saying anything. Suddenly, he stopped the car at the side of the road. I became confused.

Y/n : What happened, love?

He didn't say anything and hugged me tightly.

Jimin : I knew you have a dark past. But, I couldn't even imagine it was THAT dark. I am sorry for whatever happened to you. I wish I could be by your side that time. I am really really very sorry for hurting you that day. I can't forgive myself for what I did to you. I-i am sorry.

His eyes were becoming teary while saying those sentences. His voice was shaky and stuttering. I widened my eyes, quickly broke the hug and cupped his face.

Y/n : Hey! Why are you crying, my love? And also, you don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault. And, about that day, it was my fault. I cannot force someone. I was wrong. I thought that if I force you to love me, you will love me. That's why I took you away from everything, everyone, just for myself. I was greedy and selfish. I shouldn't have done these. I just acted like the pathetic psychopath I am.

Then he cupped my face in his hands. My hands were still on his cheeks.

Jimin : Are you out of your mind? How can you say that?! You are not pathetic psychopath! You just wanted someone to love you, to care for you and to be by your side as you didn't get anyone since your childhood. You have no fault. This is just that you have been treated wrongly all the time. But now you will not suffer anymore. I will give you the love you have been craving for years. You deserve all the love in this world. I will make your life a beautiful garden.

Hearing what he said, tears left my eyes. He smiled and slowly wiped my tears.

Jimin : Don't cry, sweety pie. You are too much precious to shed tears.

My sweet kidnapper JiminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now