Chapter 2 New Town New Blood

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Welcome to Sharp Tongue. Ai's new home. And her new town full of victims. She got a new look. She cut her black hair and dyed it blond. But she got to keep her name. Makoto never said that she was the crimson killer. Which confused her. But she was thankful."Hey, do you like the color crimson?" Ai taunted her next victim."Please don't kill me!" Her victim pleaded. Ai drove the knife into to stomach. She then began to pull out his warm stringy intestines and put them in the shape of a flower. She filled in each petal with his coppery blood. And wrote on the wall her ,signature line, "Paint the world in crimson" After she did that she got rid of any evidence. Ai loved the thrill of each kill. It made her feel alive. She lept out the window and rushed to her "SafeHaven". Once she was there she washed her clothes and took a shower. "I love this new town!" Ai said happily. "Its full of potential victims." Her safehaven was an abandoned apartment building she had fixed up. She even figured out how to get running water! She knew this was the only place she could live. Ai had no money, except for what she stole from her victims.She walked into her bedroom and climbed into bed. She put her knife and mask on her nightstand, than her dreams stole her from the real world. The next morning she awoke to the sound of creaking. "Stupid old building." She mumbled. She walked down stairs to her kitchen. Ai looked through the fide hoping to find something good.But found nothing but disappointment.  "Time to go shopping." Ai said grabbing her wallet and walking out the door. She walked to the nearest grocery store and bought all the food she could afford. It was mostly cookies, cakes, chips, and candy. Than she went home and put it all in the fridge, except for the candy. That she hid under her bed. Her phone went off. "Ugh what now!" She said angrily. She picked up her phone and checked it. The news was going crazy, it was all about the Crimson killers new victimized town. Ai was the talk of the town again. Ai spent most of the day gorging herself on cookies and cakes."Who should I kill next?" Ai thought out loud. "Maybe that young man that made fun of my hair? No I'll kill, This guy." She said pointing to her phone. "His name is Nagito. Yep he's my target." Ai started to hack his system. She saw that he lived alone. He was a school teacher, math Ai's least favorite subject. She also saw that he had a police record, he had raped one child. Shivers were sent down Ai's spine."I'd be doing the children of this town a favor if I got rid of him." She growled. Ai decided to wait till 1:00, that would be a good time to strike. She grabbed her mask and left. She ran till she found his house."Who the hell are you!" Nagito said confused. He had a bottle of vodka in his hand."Go to hell where you belong!" Ai said as she plunged the knife into his stomach. She cut along his stomach. And pulled out his guts. Ai arranged them in the shape of a hand. Than she wrote her signature line on the wall.Time to go, she thought. She ran out the door and ran back home. Ai loved that she could kill without getting caught. It felt amazing. The feeling of the guts in her hand. They were warm and squishy. When she got home she crawled into bed and let exhaustion takeover. She had a dream about her future, a future full of blood and loneliness. But she never thought about love, she never cared. When she woke up she heard her stomach growl louder than a dragon. Ai pulled herself out of her warm comfortable bed, and dragged herself down stairs. "What should I eat?" Ai asked out loud. She dug through her fridge, and found the food of the heavens. Cheesecake! Sure it wasn't as good as her moms, but it would do. She wolfed down the piece of cheesecake, and smiled."Why is cheesecake so god damn good?" Ai wondered. But she wasn't complaining. It was her favorite food. Than she heard her phone go off. It was abuzz about 2 murders. One being the death of Nagito Cript. And the other about the death of Bill Vix. "Bill Vix? Who the hell killed him?" Ai exclaimed. She read on. It turns out she wasn't the only killer in this state. There was another killer. His name was Death,or thats what the media called him."Death? What a lame killer name." Ai mocked. "Ugh now I have to compete with another killer. This is my territory." She Growled. "Wait the other killer is a guy? Do I have to fight a guy? Phht this is gonna be so full of despair!" She smiled. "For him at least." She giggled. She walked up to her room and began sketching. She drew pictures of monsters and insane creatures. "Ai put down your phone!" Mother yelled at Ai."Ok." Ai said silently. She always did what mother and father said. She went to her room and began to draw. She drew fantasy worlds, worlds she dreamt she could go to.  She wanted to leave the real world. Her mother was controlling and her father was cruel. She hated her life, but she kept going. Her family needed her. So she kept listening and obeying. Keeping her feeling inside, hidden. When Ai looked at her drawing she saw a girl, trapped in a bubble, with parents  keeping her in there."Ack!" She shrieked. "Why did I draw this?" She asked, even though she knew why. She knew she had drawn how she felt when she was younger.  She dismissed it. She couldn't deal with it right now, it was too much."Maybe its my insanity showing? Yeah it must be that." She said. Ai picked up her phone and did some research on Death. She found out that he had been causing chaos for 2 years. So much longer than her. He had a body count of over 3,000! "Wow! This guy is is, Amazing!" Ai said happily. "This is like the killer of legends!" But that aside. She went up stairs and got in the shower. She hadn't showered last night so she was covered in Nagito's blood. As she changed she didn't hear the window unlatch.  

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