Chapter 11Wedding of the Century

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"Shhhhh. You don't want to scream." Ai told a little girl. The girl was crying softly. "Don't worry you won't feel a thing." Ai took her knife and stabbed the little girls throat. The girl let out one last cry before she went silent. Ai did her usual routine. Satochi was standing in the doorway. He kept his eyes on Ai. He couldn't let her get taken. It had been a week since Makoto last summoned Ai."Do you think he forgot?" Satochi said hopefuly."No. He's just waiting. I know it." Ai muttered.  "He won't let me get away.""Why is he giving you a chance to get stronger?" Satochi pointed out. "Because he wants to fight me. He wants me to be a challenge." Ai growled. Ai hates being in suspense."Why does he want a challenge?" Satochi wondered."Because he wants it to be rewarding." Ai mumbled. "He wants what to be rewarding.  Because what I'm thinking would be very rewarding." Satochi smiled slyly."Thats most likely what he is thinking." Ai sighed. Why couldn't he just fight her? Why won't he get it over with? Why, why, WHY? "Nobody is gonna sleep with you! Unless its me!" Satochi stated. Ai shook her head.  "Come on lets go." Satochi grabbed Ai's arm and dragged her out the door. They ran to the house. Ai looked in the fridge. There was some chocolate in the fridge. What was it doing there she never put it in the fridge."Why did I put this in here?" Ai wondered out loud. She took a bite out of the chocolate. It tasted strange. It had a metal taste to it. Ai's head began to spin. "Ai!" That was the last thing she heard before she blacked out. "Ai! AI! DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!" Ai's vision and hearing slowly came back to her. Ai and Satochi were in a red room. Ai sat up. She had a white dress and a vail. Satochi was standing in front of her. He was holding a glowing knife. His black wings were unfolded. He was yelling at a black and red figure."Satochi?" Ai said groggily. "Where are we?""Ai!" He exclaimed as he turned to look at her. "It's that bastard Makoto. He summoned us here." Satochi hugged Ai close to him. "That assfuck can't marry you. I won't let him!" Ai was confused. Her head was still spinning. "Ha! You think you can prevent it!" Makoto's voice boomed through the room. "Ai is my bride. Whether she wants to be or not!" Makoto had a sword in his hands. He stabbed Satochi in the back. The sound of painful cries filled the room as the blade when deeper and deeper into Satochis back."Stop IT!" Ai shrieked. "I'll refrain from killing him, if you will be my bride." Makoto reasoned."No Ai don't do it!" Satochi choked out. "Don't do it! Get out of here let him kill me!" Ai was at a crossroads. What could she do. Let Makoto kill Satochi or marry Makoto so Satochi can live. Her freedom for Satochi's life or Satochi's life for her freedom."I'll marry you." Ai felt tears run down her face as she said those terrible words. She had just sold her freedom. Satochi looked up at her. "She's lying! She'll never marry you!" Satochi said trying to changer her decision. "No, I'm not lying." Ai said sadly. She looked at Satochi. "I love you. Don't forget that okay?""No, no, no, NO, NO, NO! I would rather die than have you marry him!" Satochi was putting up a final fight."Satochi! Do this one last thing for me. Please." Ai's voice came out no more than a whisper."O-o-okay." Satochi's eyes had filled with tears. Ai had a feeling Satochi wasn't gonna let her marry Makoto. Thats why she agreed. "I'm overwhelmed with joy. I will get what I want, and the mistake gets to live." Makoto smiled a sickening smile. Satochi flinched when Makoto said mistake. Ai's heart acked. What have I done? Ai thought. "Well the ceremony is about to start. Wouldn't want the bride and groom to be tardy." Makoto walked off leaving Satochi and Ai alone. "I can't believe you! WHY! You should have let me DIE!" Satochi yelled at Ai. Ai kissed him. "Shut up! I'm not gonna go through with it. You know I won't. I love you too much." Ai muttered between kisses. Satochi pushed her away."Why didnt you tell me your plan?" Satochi asserted."Because you wouldn't have acted as surprised." Ai told him. "I'll kill him. I won't marry him. You need to sit in the audience and behave. I'll give you a signal. When I do you need to jump up create a distraction. Can you do that?" "Hell to the yeah!" Satochi smirked.  "Good."Ai smiled. "Now that you know the plain we just need to carry it out.""Um, excuse me but the wedding is about to start." A little girl poked her head in. She looked familiar. She had tear stains down her cheeks and a wound in her throat. "Yes. Will you take my friend to his seat?" Ai asked the little girl sweetly. The girl nooded and grabbed Satochis hand. Ai walked towards the huge doors leading to the outside. She sighed and opened them. The tune of "Here Comes the Bride" played as she walked down the long aisle. Everyone stood up as she walked by. Makoto stood under an arch. He smiled devilishly at her. Ai had learned the ability to read minds. But Makoto's thought were far from pure. "There she is! The lovely bride." A man yelled from the crowd.  "Thats my darling!" Ai froze. She turned to see her father standing there. Ai was resisting the urge to punch him square in the face. "My what lovely offspring you will bare." Ai just turned around and walked away from him."Welcome! Today we wed Makoto, rank Satan, and Ai, rank unclean." While the priest gave his long winded speech Makoto's eyes scanned Ai's dress. Ai was so tempted to punch him. "Do you take Ai to be your lawfully wedded slave?""I do." Makoto smiled. "And do you Ai take Makoto too be your lawfully wedded master?"  the priest smiled."No! Now Satochi!" Satochi jumped up and pulled out a knife. All the guests panicked and ran. The wedding had become a blood bath. Tons of bodies fell to the floor. Blood was everywhere. Ai turned and looked at Makoto. He was holding a sword. He swung and hit Ai in the chest. Blood sprayed from the wound. "YOU ASSFUCK! YOU'RE DEAD!" Satochi launched himself at Makoto. His sword plunged into Makoto's back. Makoto slumped over. He wasn't dead but he was close. Ai looked up at Satochi. "Don't worry Ai. Your ok now." Satochi picked her up. The world was trembling. Ai was barely holding on to life."S-S-Satochi. I need to kill him. He c-c-c-can't come back." Ai panted. "No you're to weak. He'll kill you!""I-I-I-I-I don't care. He needs to d-d-d-d-die." Ai moved. She wiggled out of Satochi's arms and hobbled over to Makoto's body. "Ha! A pretty girl like you can't kill me!" Makoto coughed. Ai ignored him. Her wings shot out of her back and her claws shot out of her nails. She nelt over his body and put her claws up to his neck. Her claws pierced his soft skin. Slowly blood flowed out of his neck."Makoto. How foolish can you be? I've been stronger than you since the day you met me. Just neither of us knew it." Ai told him as he slowly bleed to death. "Satochi isnt a mistake. He's here for a reason. And you're dying for a reason. Your dying because your arrogant." "I'm sorry." Makoto whispered.

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