Chapter 8Welcoming the Enemy

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"I have to find her!" Makoto said. "If I don't she will kill everyone, and I'll lose her forever." Makoto slammed his hand down on his desk. "She must have teamed up with Death. The murders are getting more elaborate. I must correct her and Death." "Um Mr.Makoto have you made a breakthrough?" His shy assistant asked him."It disappoints me that I have to say no." Makoto lied regaining his composure. "But I will not rest until those horrible killers are off the streets.""You're a hero, Mr. Makoto. I can sleep soundly knowing your on the case." His assistant admired. "I'm just doing my job." Makoto said humblaily. His assistant left the office leaving Makoto to plan how he is gonna catch the deadly duo."Ai, I'm hungry can you make your magic food appear? I want pancakes. Can you make pancakes?" Satochi complained. "Shut up! I need focus if you want your pancakes." Ai snapped. She had been trying to make some food appear for twenty minutes. She needed to learn to control her demon powers. And practice makes perfect. Ai closed her eyes and imagined a huge plate of pancakes complete with syrup and butter. "I'm starving hurry uuuuupppp!" Satochi continued to ramble. "Shut up before I cut out your tongue!" Ai threatened. Satochi shut up. Ai was getting fed up. She was so close to just giving up and getting Dunkin Donuts. Just as she was about to give up, a plate of pancakes appeared on the table in front of her. "Yay!" Satochi cheered. "You did it!" He dove towards the plate and dug in. He stuffed his face with forkfuls of pancakes. Ai wanted donuts so she attempted to make a plate of six donuts appear. It worked. Ai started to munch the assortment of donuts. The sweet jelly filling filled her mouth as she gouged herself on the succulent and sweet treat."That was one of the best breakfasts I've had in a long time." Satochi praised."Good so all the effort was worth it." Ai said as she finished her last donut. It had been awhile since she last had donuts. So she was craving them and cheesecake. "Hey do you wanna go killing later?" Satochi asked."Sure I'm down." Ai replied. "I found her!" Makoto gasped. "She is in Sharp Tongue. Feona! I'm leaving.""Yes sir I'll keep this place safe till you get back." Feona his assistant saluted him. Makoto grabbed his coat and left. He got on the first bus going to Sharp Tongue. He was on a mission to correct Ai and her mistakes.Ai stuck the man in the back of his neck. The blood covered her clothes. She wiped the blood off her face. The lifeless body slumped to the blood soaked floor. Ai cut into the chest of the man. He broke his rib cage and pulled out his lungs, heart and other organs. The heart beat for a second as she held it. Ai smiled and licked her knife."I love this part!" Ai giggled. She laid all the guts on the floor in the pattern of a flickering candle. She wrote her signature line on the wall. Satochi walked into the room and smiled. "Quite a way to display the body." "I've always loved art. And with it in organs and blood it looks better." Ai giggled. "I feel so free!" "See killings a way of life. And once you commit you can't leave." Satochi smericked. "I'm done for tonight." Ai said. "Are you done?" "Hell nah. I'm not gonna stop here." Satochi was pumped.  "Bye I'll see you at home." Ai said as she lept out the window. She walked along the dark streets. Something shifted in the shadows. "Satochi? Is that you?" Ai said trying not to let her fear show. No response. "Satochi, this is not funny. Come out!" A hand reached out of the shadows and grabbed Ai's neck. "Hello Ai did you miss me?" The shadow said slyly."M-M-Makoto?" Ai choked out. Makoto stepped out of the shadows. Ai blacked out. When Ai awoke she was bound by the hands and feet. There was a cloth over her eyes preventing her from seeing. She was sitting down, in a chair Ai guessed. She tried to struggle but with no prevail. "Don't struggle. It won't help you." Makoto's sly voice rang out. Ai tried to say something but their was something covering her mouth too. Ai's voice came out muffled. "You have done nothing but cause trouble. You need to be corrected." Makoto proclaimed. "Picture this. You're in a dark room with one light hanging above your head. Your bound and gagged, with chance of escape. Theres a set of tools to my right. They consist of illegal torture tools. I've been collecting them for years. Do you know why I only kill mass murderers? It's because one killed my family. Left me alone in the big open world. So I found them, and corrected them." Makoto described. A shiver went down Ai's back. What did corrected mean? What was he gonna do to her? Where is Satochi? Ai tried to struggle. She tried to speak but nothing happened. Ai hated this. She couldn't move or do anything. She was at Makoto's mercy. She felt something cold and sharp pearce her neck. She felt warm blood slide down her side. "What beautiful blood you have." Makoto whispered into her ear. "I'll have fun correcting you. I can't wait to see what that beautiful brain looks like." Ai tried to scream. She struggled and struggled. She had never felt real fear. But now she knew how it felt. If felt like not knowing or seeing. It felt like being bound and gagged in a dark room. Ai felt a pit form in her stomach. How would Satochi ever find her? Ai felt hot tears roll down her face. Ai felt like she wouldn't get out of here unscaved. She would go back with a scar, if she got back. Ai tried to use her demon powers, but she had no prevail. If she could just make her claws appear she could cut herself free. "Ai. Why did you kill your family?" Makoto asked her. He untied the gag around her mouth. Ai gasped for breath. "Go to hell!" Ai panted."Tisk. Tisk, thats not an acceptable answer." Makoto hissed. He brought something sharp to Ai's cheek. Ai held back her screams. "Now let me ask again. Why did you kill your family?""Fuck you!" Ai said as she summoned all her courage. Makoto brought the tool down onto Ai's arm. He slowly inserted it into her vein. Ai screamed out in pain. Ai could feel her blood spray out of her arm. Ai bit down on her tongue as hard as she could. She hoped it would distract her from her arm."It's best you answer me." Makoto said impatiently. "Why did you kill your family?""Like hell I'll tell you!" Ai protested with all her might."Oh I'll break you sooner or later." Makoto growled. Ai could hear his steps as he walked away. Maybe he will be done? Ai hopefully thought. But she knew he wasn't. His footsteps came closer. She felt hot breath against her ear. "I've never had to use this tool.  This will be a fun experience, for me at least." Makoto whispered. Ai shivered. She tried to make her claws appear but she couldnt. Ai tried not to panic. She slowed her breathing, as an attempt not to scream. She felt something extremely cold on her arm. It froze her skin. It felt like her arm was on fire. Than it pierced her skin. The chilled tool went into her vein, freezing her blood. She felt the cold travel through her whole arm."Aaaaaaa!" Ai screamed. "Stooooooop! Please!" Ai begged. The pain she felt was unimaginable. It was like someone was freezing her from the inside out. Makoto pulled the chilled tool out of her arm. "Are you gonna talk now?" Makoto asked. It pained her to say it but. "Yes. I'll talk." Ai said. Her voice was laced with pain."Why did you kill your family?" Makoto asked again."Because I want everyone to feel the pain and despair that I had felt for years." Ai growled."Why?" Makoto insisted. "Because I was abused and I wanted them to fear me!" Ai yelled. She suddenly got the courage she needed to fight back. "Not a justified answer to kill other people." Makoto said disappointedly. "I was hoping I would get to let you go. But it seems that you going to get corrected.""What!" Ai shrieked. "What the fuck does corrected mean?""It means I'll cut open your head and remove your brain." Makoto announced. Ai felt her stomach drop. "W-w-what?!" Ai whispered. "Your g-g-gonna k-k-kill m-m-m-me." Ai felt as if there was no hope left for her. She was gonna die here. At the hands of a detective. Ai felt Makoto's hands reach around her head. He pulled off the cloth so she could see. Ai saw his smug face. The room was exactly as Makoto described. With the exception of jars on the wall. Inside the jars were a greyish pink material. "Are you admiring my collection? The collection you will soon be a part of." Makoto hinted. Ai felt like she was gonna throw up. In those jars were human brains. And her brain was soon gonna be a part of it. "Why did you remove the cloth from my eyes?" Ai asked."Because I want to see your eyes widen if fear and pain as I cut open your beautiful head and remove your brain. Its a simple procedure so don't worry I know what I'm doing." Makoto bragged. Ai felt even sicker. He wanted to torture her."You must have gotten some sort of sick pleasure as you tortured me!" Ai snapped."Well maybe I did, maybe I didn't. But I sure will as I'm correcting you!" Makoto's eyes turned a shade of orange. Ai got creeped out by that. What was wrong with this guy? He made her feel sane, and she's a demon. "Time for correcting you!" Makoto smiled devilishly. He put the gag over her mouth so she wouldn't scream.He walked over to the table of tools and grabbed a large knife.Ai looked at it. Her mind was cloudy. All she could think about was how this was it. She was going to die here. I love you Satochi, Ai thought. I'm sorry I'm horrible to you. I'm sorry. Makoto brought the knife to Ai's scalp line. The knife cut into her skin. She cried out in pain as it cut deeper. The gag wasn't too keep her from screaming. It was so he could muffle the sound."Shhh. Be silent you wouldn't want me to accidentally cut too far deep." Makoto taunted. "Don't you hurt her assfuck." A voice yelled from the doorway. Ai looked up and saw Satochi. Instantly her claws shot from her nails and cut the bindings off her hands. Satochi tackled Makoto and stabbed his side. Makoto screamed from the pain. Ai cut her feet lose than she pulled of the gag."Makoto!" Ai yelled. Satochi rolled away from the bleeding Makoto. He looked up at Ai. She could tell that his eyes begged for mercy. She smiled. Her wings unfolded from her back and the marking appeared on her body."Please n-n-n-n-no don't hurt me!" Makoto screamed."You've lost Makoto. Begging won't save you from a demon." Ai smiled. She lunged towards him slicing his body in half with her claws. Makoto was gone. He lie dead on the floor. His guts spilling everywhere.Ai felt week. Her wings and claws disappeared. She stood staggered, her sweatshirt was torn and her neck was bleeding. She passed out and fell into Satochi's arms.

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