Chapter 12Corrected

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"MOM! DAD!" Makoto cried. "Mom! Dad! Please wake up!" Makoto leaned over his parents bodies. Makoto looked around at his surroundings. His parents room was covered in blood. His mother was mutilated and his father was crucified. Makoto was 10 years old. "Ill kill the man that hurt you guys!" Makoto swore. "I'll kill anyone who kills people!"Makoto picked up his mothers phone and dialed 911. The police were they within minutes.  Makoto explained what had happened. "I've lost my son. You want me to take care of you?" The head detective asked. "Yes." Makoto smiled at him. This would be Makotos chance to get close to finding his parents killer. He needed to catch that killer. The detective walked Makoto to the house. It looked like a log cabin in the middle of the city."You can call me Lucifer." The detective smiled."Doesn't Lucifer mean devil?" Makoto asked."Keen one, aren't you?" Lucifer grinned. "I am the devil. But I walk around the mortal plane hoping to find you, my son.""I'm not your son!" Makoto odjected. "My parents died! I'm not the son of the devil! I'm a human!""Your half right. My wife, your mother, died in childbirth. And I couldn't take care of a child. I'm satan, I have a lot of important business to attend too.""So you gave me up! No real father would do that!" Makoto yelled."I was going to retrive you when you were 13, but it seems like that fates wanted me to find you sooner.""I'm the son of satan." Makoto whispered. "I've been lied to for 10 years. I need to kill that man!" "The man who killed your pretend parents? I'll kill him for you." Satan smiled. "No I want to kill him myself." Makoto growled. "He needs to be corrected for his mistakes!""Thats the spirit!" Satan laughed. Satan snapped his fingers and A man soaked in blood appeared. "This is the man that killed your family." Satan snapped his fingers again. A tool set of torture tools appeared. Satan walked out of the room leaving Makoto and the tied up killer alone.Makoto grabbed a scalpel and looked at the killer. Makoto smiled evilly. "You must be corrected." Makoto brought the scalpel to the killers head. He cut a line into the scalp. Blood flowed from the wound Makoto had created. As he cut deeper and deeper he could hear the skull cracking. After he cut the top off of the killers head. He pulled out his squishy brain. "You have been corrected." Makoto smiled. He walked over and found a jar. I'm the son of Satan. I will correct the world!

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