Chapter 13 Unclean

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He is dead. Makoto is dead. Ai laid next to his lifeless body. Her breath was escalated. she was bleeding badly. "Ai! Ai! Hold on! I won't let you die!" A familiar voice yelled. Ai felt herself being lifted by something. The world began to blur. It was like the world was disappearing. Her heartbeat began to slow, and her head began to pound. She closed her eyes. "Ai! My child! My sweet kodomo!" A woman yelled. Ai opened her eyes. The woman was fairly tall and had long black hair. Her blue green eyes practically glowed in the darkness. Her pale skin contrasted her blue and pink kimono. "Ai!" The woman yelled. The woman ran towards her and hugged Ai close. "How do you know my name?" Ai asked."I'm your mother, kodomo. I've missed you! But why are you here? Its not your time." Ai's real mother said."My mother? You're my mother?" Ai was stunned. "What do you mean here? Were are we?""The void. But you're not supposed to be here. You are alive. You're not dead, are you?" Her mother said."I'm dead." Ai began to cry."Shhh, kodomo. That boy, Satochi, won't let you die." Ai's mother comforted. Ai began to fade away from her mother slowly. "I love you kodomo. Don't forget that!" Ai's mother yelled."Come on Ai! Don't die on me!" Satochi's voice broke through the darkness. "I refuse to lose you!" Ai's heart slowly began to beat again. Her chest rise and fell as she breathed. Ai lifted her head and looked at Satochi."Satochi?" Ai grumbled. "Where am I?" Instantly she was pulled into a hug. She felt Satochi's tears on the top of her head. "You died. I lost you. I did all I could to bring you back." Satochi cried. His body shuddered as he sobbed. This was the second time Ai had seen him cry. "Your heart stopped and I felt mine break. I can't lose you." Ai started to sob."You won't lose me. I'll always come back." They both sat there sobbing silently. Ai wanted to tell Satochi that she had seen her mother but she decided to keep quiet about it. He had enough on his plate. Ai had fallen asleep, after the day she had she felt like she could sleep forever."I'm sorry. I truly am. Please forgive me. I lost control. I am no better than my father. I am no better than a monster. I am no better than an unclean. I am Makoto. This is my life. The life I don't deserve. Thank you Ai. You've freed me. I'm sorry for everything I did. Please forgive me." Makoto's voice repeated. The voice haunted Ai as she slept. "Ai are you ok?" Satochi woke her up. "Yeah I'm fine." Ai muttered. "You looked like you were having a nightmare." Satochi rubbed his eyes and yawned."I'm fine." Ai lied. Should I tell him? Ai thought. She decided best not to. "Ai, I saw your nightmare. That assfuck is still haunting you. Hes lieing, he just wants pity so he can go to heaven.""I don't pity him." Ai growled as she looked at her arm. The word unclean was forever scarred into her arms and legs. Satochi looked at her arm. He closed his eyes."That word. I know what it means. It means your half demon half human." Satochi told her."He cut it into my arm because of my father and mother." Ai sighed."Kodomo, your father was and is a horrible man. He raped me and I was forced to have his child."A voice rang out. The both turned towards the mirror. Ai's mother was there. "Than after I had you your father used me as a sacrifice. He handed me over to satan.""Mom!" Ai exclaimed. She darted over to the mirror. "See I told you. That boy would never let you die." Ai's mother smiled."Thats you mom?" Satochi asked. He looked at Ai then back to her mother. "I don't see the resemblance.""Thats because she dyed her hair. How rude am I, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Chizu, its a pleasure to meet you. I've been watching over Ai since the day I died. I also saw the day you two met. And let me say sparks flew!""Mom how are you here?" Ai asked. "Oh I broke the mortal plane and used this mirror as my vessel. I needed to meet Satochi so I could give him something." Chizu smiled."What is it?" Satochi asked."A message and...My blessing!" Chizu shouted happily. "Your blessing!" Ai and Satochi exclaimed. "And a message for Satochi. Your mother says that she loves and misses you." Chizu smiled."My m-m-mother." Satochi whispered. "She loves me and misses me. Dad always told me she ran away after I was born." Ai hugged his arm. "Maybe my mom can help you to get in touch?" Ai said. Chizu nodded. "I'm willing to help in any way I can. After all you'll be a future son-in-law." Chizu smiled. Ai felt her face turn bright red. She lifted her hands to her face and hid her embarrassment. Chizu said goodbye then she disappeared."Son-in-law." Satochi laughed. "That means we get married. That means wedding night.""Don't finish your sentence." Ai threatened. "I don't want to think about weddings right now." Ai shuttered. She was still wearing the bloodied wedding dress."Not even our wedding night?" Satochi smiled. "Because you might find it a lot of fun.""Shut up." Ai muttered. She ripped off the remains of the dress. She had a corset and wire skirt. She looked at her chest. The corset was cut and her chest was torn open. Her red hair was in knots.It had grown longer, much longer. Mascara was running down her face. She didn't care though. She never cared about her looks. Ai smiled. She knew she was strong now. She killed Satan. "You need to get that bandaged." Satochi said as he grabbed the bandages. He wrapped them around her chest. "Thank you." Ai thanked. "I'm gonna be covered in scars." "Yeah, because your reckless and stupid." Satochi scolded. "How many times have I saved your ass. 3 times?""Shut up." Ai smiled. "I'm fully capable of taking care of myself.""Sure, you can." Satochi teased. Ai shook her head. She walked towards the bathroom. She looked around for some makeup remover. But there was none. She sighed. It was going to be a pain to get off all the makeup. She closed the door and turned on the water. Once the tub was full she took of the bloody corset and long johns. She climbed into the bath. It felt nice to get all the blood off her."Don't take to long. Unless you want me to join you." Satochi yelled through the door. Ai ignored his threat. He was lying anyway he knew not to disturb her. Ai closed her eyes. She thought about everything that had happened in the past few months. "Oh yeah." Ai remembered. "My birthday is friday." Ai had completely forgotten about her birthday. She heard the sound of footsteps walking away from the door. Satochi must have been eavesdropping.  He did say he would buy her a present. Ai wonders about what it might be. When she felt like all the blood and dirt had been washed away Ai stepped out of the tub. About 20 minutes had passed. She found some clothes and slid them on. She brushed her hair and walked out of the room. Her stomach growled loudly. She walked down stairs and found Satochi eating a chocolate bar. "Finally I can take a shower!" Satochi exclaimed sarcastically. "You took forever!" Ai shot him a sideways glance then continued to the fridge. She opened it, and to her surprise it was stock full of food. She turned to ask Satochi why they had so much food. But he was already up the stairs and in the bathroom.Ai didn't trust random food she found in the fridge. So she used her powers to make a plate of chinese food appare. It was a plate full of mi fun and beef teriyaki. The delicious smell filled her nose. She smiled and chowed down. The delicious taste exploded in her mouth."Hey Ai, Have you seen my shirt? I can't find it upstairs." Satochi asked as he walked down the stairs."No why would I know where your shirt is." Ai said as she turned around. Satochi stood right behind her. "Aw. You didn't give me a cute reaction." Satochi sounded disappointed. "So you faked that just so you could get a cute reaction." Ai facepalmed. "Wow. Just wow." Satochi put on his shirt. "Wanna go killing?" Satochi asked."When I'm done eating." Ai replied. When she was done she ran upstairs and grabbed her knife and mask. They decided to kill the family down the street. Ai and Satochi snuck into a room. It was a big purple room. The color was obnoxious. In big letters the name Jaina was spelled out. She had 3 huge book shelves filled with books. Satochi walked over to the sleeping figure. He brought the knife down onto the girls neck. Blood painted the walls and floor."Want some books?" Ai asked Satochi. "Um, let me think about that. NO. I don't read." Satochi laughed nervously. "You can't read." Ai mocked."Yep." Satochi admitted. Ai shook her head. She looked in the shelf. She grabbed a book series called "Artemis Fowl". They both proceeded to kill the rest of the family. "I'm tired." Ai yawned. "Can we be done killing?""I would say I'd let you go home alone, but you might get kidnaped again. So sure we can go home." Satochi smiled."I won't get kidnapped." Ai replied. "Sure you won't." Satochi gave her hell the whole walk home. Ai plopped down onto her bed. She yawned and curled up. The bed felt soft underneath her. She picked up a book and started reading. "Ha! You're a book geek." Satochi teased. "I'm also an art geek and science geek." Ai corrected. "And If you wanted I could teach you how to read.""Naw. Reading isn't important." Satochi replied. "You're the dork here. Mr.I can't read." Ai mocked. "Hey Its not my fault my father never taught me." Satochi growled."Hey calm down I'm just kidding." Ai smiled. She put down the book. She closed her eyes and yawned loudly. "Tired?" Satochi asked."Yep." Ai yawned. She was so tired. Satochi curled up next to her. She felt sleep clawing at her. Eventually sleep took her in its grasp. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Ai. Happy birthday to you." Chizu sang. "Happy birthday 18th kodomo.""It's not my birthday." Ai told her mother. "Not yet." Chizu handed Ai something. It was a box. "Don't open until tomorrow.""Ok." Ai replied. Chizu hugged Ai. "I've been saving that gift for years. Just waiting for the day I can give it to you." Chizu smiled. "But tomorrow is that day.""I love you, mom." Ai told Chizu."I love you two, kodomo. Happy early birthday."

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