Chapter 6Bound by Blood

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"Are you okay?" Satochi asked the still crying Ai. "Do I look alright." She cried. She hadn't stopped crying since last night. She had just found out she was a demon, and her "family" wasn't really her family. She was tourchered and beaten for years by people who weren't even her real family. She hated her father. She never knew her real mother. "At least you knew your parents, and you weren't beaten by your fake family.""I can't imagine how you feel, I really can't. But all I can do is try and help you." Satochi tried to comfort her. She pushed him away. She got up and went to the kitchen. She grabbed some soda and climbed up to the roof. She sat up their as she chugged the bottle of Diet Coke."So this is where you're hiding." Satochi joked. Ai just looked off into the distance acting like she didn't hear him. "I know it must be tough but is more difficult if you keep pushing me away." He reasoned. She responded with silence, and a blank expression."I'm sorry, for being a bitch." Ai apologized."Don't apologize. It's been tough for you, and I haven't helped much." Satochi admitted. "Like I said before I don't really know what you're going through. I knew who my parents were.""But you did try to help. That' more than I would expect from you." Ai added quietly."So I did help?" Satochi asked excitedly. Ai closed her eyes. He still cares about me, Ai thought. Ai got up and climbed off the roof, Satochi followed her. She walked into her room and looked under her bed. She pulled it a bag filled to the brim with candies. "Good I didn't eat it yet." Ai said             "Of course you hide candy under your bed you love your sweets." Satochi laughed. Ai dug through the candy bag until she found a chocolate bar. She instantly unwrapped the bar and took a bite out of it. She could feel the chocolate melting on her tongue. "Do you want some?" Ai asked as she held out  half of the chocolate bar."No thanks." He replied.  Ai continued to munch the sweet tasting chocolate. "Do you wanna go killing?" Satochi suggested."Sure." Ai answered. "Maybe killing will help clear my mind." The both grabbed their knives and masks. Ai let Satochi chose who they should kill. He chose a family of three."Ill get the wife and husband." Ai told him. Ai crept into their room. She stabbed the husband's windpipe. The blood sprayed out of the wound. Than she sneaked over to the wife. She was pregnant. Ai was conflicted, should she kill the not even born baby? She slowly brought the knife too the wife's stomach. She killed the wife, than she cut open the stomach. She pulled out the embryo and laid it on the bed. She wrote her signature line on the wall. "Wow you killed the not even born baby." Satochi was shocked. He walked over to her and looked at the bed. "I didn't even feel bad for it." Ai sighed. "Wow. Thats heartless." Satochi exclaimed. "Fuck you!" Ai said as she punched him. "I'm ok with that." He joked."Not like that. Lets go." Ai said as she pulled him out the door. The entire walk home Ai wondered why she felt nothing.  When they got back Ai got changed and showered. She walked downstairs and made something to eat."What's that delicious smell?" Satochi asked as he walked down the stairs."I made hot dogs." Ai said as she bit into hers. Instantly Satochi darted towards the tray of hot dogs. He grabbed about 5 and started to sloppily eat them. "Are they good?" Ai smiled. "Yeeeessssssss. I'm gonna be so fat after this." Satochi exclaimed happily. Ai felt something, she felt happy. She loved the little moments, moments like this. Ai loved Satochi, because he wasn't afraid to be himself. Unlike how she was for years. Ai finished eating she left the still feasting Satochi and went upstairs to draw. "Mom,  why can't I join chorus?" A 11 year old Ai asked."Because you need to focus on your art and studies." Her mother replied calmly."But mom I can handle it." Ai urged."No is my final answer! And go too your room!""Why?" Ai asked with tears in her eyes."Because you talked back!" Ai's mother yelled. Ai ran to her room. Ai began to sing."La la la la la." As Ai sang dark figures appeared in her room. When she stopped the figures disappeared as if they were never there. Ai looked around. She felt as if she was being watched.Ai looked down at her drawing. There was a girl in the middle of a white room with shadows taking the shape of monsterish humans. Ai was confused. Why did she draw this."Thats a beautiful drawing." Satochi said from behind her."Ack! Oh fuck! Don't scare me like that! I nearly had a heart attack!" Ai shrieked."I've been here for like 20 minutes." Satochi said as he grabbed the notebook out of her hand. He flipped through her drawings. "These are amazing! I wish I could draw like this.""Hey! Stop those things are private."  Ai snapped. Sarochi flipped the page and found a drawing of him."Dayum! I look good in this drawing!" Satochi exclaimed. Ai snached the notebook from his hands and shoved it under her bed. "You're so full of yourself." Ai grumbled. "Narcissistic asshole.""Is that my nickname?" Satochi asked. "I think it should be sexyest man alive.""You wish you were." Ai muttered under her breath. "I know I am. That's the perk of being an angel. I'm perfect." Satochi bragged. "And your beautiful, nice, sweet, and your body is bangin'." Ai's jaw dropped too the floor. "Did you just compliment someone other  than yourself?" Ai was in utter shock. "Wait did you just say my body was bangin'?" "Its a compliment just accept it." He said. "And if you don't mind me asking. What size cup are you?""What! Why do you need to know that!" Ai boomed."I don't know, I was just wondering." He added."C cup." Ai said quietly. "I won't answer any other questions. I just want to go to sleep." Ai got up and jumped into her bed. She yawned as sleep pulled her away from this world."Ai darling please get your chores done." Ai's father said."But I did them all." A 5 year old Ai said."I said get your chores done." Her father repeated."But I did them." Ai insisted. Her father raised his hand and brought it to her face. Ai looked at him in shock. Tears rolled down her cheeks. He struck her again. This time blood trickled out of her nose."Didn't I tell you to do your chores." Her father growled annoyedly. Ai ran off. She ran until she got to her treehouse. She pulled her legs close her and cried. She put her hand to her nose. "Why did daddy hit me?" She cried. She stayed there all night. Nobody wondered where she was. No one cared.Ai snapped up. She didn't realize she was crying. She wiped her tears away and got up. She looked around, Satochi was nowhere to be found. The one of the only times Ai needed him, he was gone. She laid back. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't fall asleep. "Satochi." Ai whispered. She reached out to the ceiling. "Satochi!" She cried out. Ai couldn't be alone she needed someone to comfort her. She needed Satochi, no matter how annoying he was. She hated him but she loved him."Ai. Are you awake?" A familiar voice called from the darkness."Satochi!" Ai cheered. She bounded towards him and tackled/hugged him."What happened while I was out killing?" Ai didn't even notice that he was covered in blood."Don't leave me alone. EVER!" Ai demanded."Ummm, what happened?" He asked confusedly."I had a nightmare." Ai squicked."Oh. Was it that bad?""Yes, it was a memory." Ai explained her nightmare. Satochi's face turned paler than normal."What! Thats what your father did! That fucking prick! I'm gonna send him to the deepest depths of hell!" Satochi yelled. "I've already killed him. But the memories still haunt me." Ai said hoarsely. Satochi hugged her close."Don't worry. I won't leave you alone anymore." Satochi soothed Ai. His familiar voice, his smell, everything about him made her feel at home. Her real home. Ai fell asleep in his arms. When she woke up she was still in his arms. She kissed his cheek."Good morning." Ai said as she woke him up."Hmmm, good morning." Satochi yawned sleepily. "Did you have another nightmare?""No. I slept soundly for the first time in a long time." "So sleeping with me helped you sleep better." Satochi said slyly."Yes, you asshole." Ai said as she punched him in the gut."Ow. Love you too." Satochi laughed. Ai's stomach growled loudly. She realized that her and Satochi were still covered in some persons blood. A shiver went down Ai's spine. She and Satochi got up. Satochi went downstairs and Ai stayed upstairs in her room. She walked to the bathroom and decided to take a shower. Who knows whose blood was caked too her clothes."You'll never take us aliiive." Ai sang. "We swore that death will do us part. They'll call out crimes a work of art. Partners in crime!" Ai heard a knock on the door."You can draw and sing! Wow are you some kind of super demon?" Satochi asked though the door."I hate you." Ai muttered. "Why are you listening to me?""You have an amazing voice, and you love me." Satochi mocked. "Go away! Let me shower in peace!" Ai yelled through the door."Aw but thats no fun!" Satochi wined. "Go away or I'll gut you like a fish!" Ai threatened. "Fine fine." Satochi said. But he did the opposite of what she said. The door swung open."SATOCHI! GET THE FUCK OUT!" Ai shrieked at him. She grabbed the hair brush and chucked it at him. I can't believe it, Ai thought. No actually I can believe it."Hey! Ow! Fine!" Satochi slammed the door. Ai reached her and out of the shower and tried to find a towel. Her and grabbed one. She turned off the water and wrapped the towel around her body. She stepped out of the shower onto the cold floor. She turned to see Satochi standing there."Ack! What the fuck!" Ai yelled."Hey It was you who fell for my trick." Satochi jeered. "I hate you! Now get out!" Ai grabbed her hair brush off the ground and whacked Satochi with it. "Get out so I can get dressed." "Why can't you stay like that. I'm liking the view." Satochi approved. Ai's face turned bright red. Half from anger, half from embarrassment. "Get out!" Ai said as she pushed Satochi out the door. "And stay out!" Ai slammed the door. She grabbed her clothes and put them on. "I can't believe Satochi did that." Ai mumbled. "No wait, I can believe this." When she walked out the bathroom door she saw Satochi lying on her bed."Aww you got changed without me." Satochi wined. His black hair was in need of a hair cut, and the black rings under his eyes said he needed a good nights rest. He looked like a mess. About every inch of him was covered in someones blood. His medium body build made him look like a skeleton, and his pale skin added to that. His feet nearly hit the frame of the bed.  was about maybe six feet.Ai guessed he was about six feet tall."You look like a mess. Go take a shower, sleep, eat some junk food. Do something to clean up!" Ai lectured."I was hoping you would let me shower with you. But my plan failed." Satochi guilted."You thought I would let you shower with me! Wow you are dumb." Ai exclaimed."And your really nice." Satochi mocked. "I look like a mess because I didn't sleep and I've lived on the run for years. You're just noticing it now." He was right Ai never noticed how he skinny he looked or how long his hair had gotten."I'll help you look better. I'll give you a haircut, maybe buy you some better clothes." Ai said."Yeah maybe you should let your hair grow past your neck, and dress in something other than black, red, and blue." Satochi butted in."Fine get washed up loser. We're going shopping!" Ai said. Ai also wanted to buy some more paints, colored pencils, and art supplies.

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