Chapter 4Death is Inevitable

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"Death is inevitable." A strange voice said. "Theres no escape. It claims us all. It claimed your Aunt and you made claim your family. Now it will claim you." Ai was floating in a black room. She was all alone, it consumed her. She couldn't deal with the loneliness. She screamed. "Ai." A familiar voice calls out. "Ai. Don't worry I'm here." Satochi appears. He hugs Ai close to him. "I won't let you die.""Ai wake up you've been sleeping since yesterday." Satochi ordered. "What?" Ai asked. Oh yeah yesterday Ai had gotten hurt when she went to kill someone. They wouldn't go down without a fight. They had shot her."Your lucky to be alive now stop sleeping. I've had to pause my murder spree because of your injury." Satochi complained. "Ugh. I'm sorry that guy shot me." Ai said. "Its not like I planned for it to happen.""I'm still mad that you didn't tell me till we got back. You could have died!" Satochi yelled."Yeah, but I didn't." Ai joked. "If you died I would kill you in the afterlife." Satochi growled."How could you do that?" Ai asked."I don't know but I would find away." Satochi growled."Satochi. I saw something in my sleep. I was in a pitch black room, and I was saying things like I'm gonna die. Than I heard you. You said I wasn't going to die." Satochi's face was in utter shock. "You saw me. In a dream. You were dreaming about me?" He said blankly."I wasn't dreaming about you." Ai snarled. "Yes you did. You love me, admit it." Satochi theorized. Ai sat in silence. She didn't want to fight him. She felt to weak, her vision started to blur and swirl. Ai's head felt like someone was pounding on the inside of her skull. She blacked out."We are here to mourn the death of Isabella Kurenia. But we must also celebrate her life and the memories we will cherish forever." The priest rambled on. Ai started to cry. Auntie was the only person who treated her kindly. If only that car had not hit her. "Hush my Auntie don't you die, Ai is gonna sing you a lullaby. If that lullaby isn't good, than Ai will always draw for you." Ai sang as she cried. Ai's mother slapped her hand over her mouth and told her to shut up. Ai loves you Auntie.Ai's started hearing a ring in her ears. Her vision slowly came to her, and her hearing."Ai! Oh my god you passed out!" Satochi Stammered. "I thought you had died!" He kissed her. She was shocked. She didn't know what to do. Ai had never been kissed. When Satochi pulled away he instantly put his hand to his mouth."I-I-I never meant to do that." Satochi stuttered."Who loves who now?" Ai tunghted."I don't love you." He denied."Oh really. Then why did you kiss me?" Ai asked. Satochi's face turned bright red. Ai sat up and kissed him. "You were right I do love you. But I hated that I did.""I-I-I-I-I-I." He stammered. "S-so I was right?""Yes." Ai said blushing. "I've never loved anyone before so this is a new thing for me. No one ever loved me soooo.""Wait so you never had a boyfriend, and your family never loved you?" Satochi asked."No one loved me. Ever." Ai said sadly. Satochi looked at her like she was crazy."No one? Ever?" "Well their was my aunt that was hit by a car when I was 6. But that was it." Ai pondered. "Well that is changing now." He said hugging her."Wait. How old are you?" Ai asked."20. How old are you?" Satochi asked."I'm 17." Ai said. Just than pain shot through Ai's side. "Ow! Fuck!" Ai yelped."Are you ok? What's wrong?" Satochi asked."No I'm perfectly fine. My side is just bleeding from a bullet wound." Ai said sarcastically."Here let me change your bandages." Satochi said reaching for her side."Wait." Ai said. releasing she wasn't wearing a bra. She was just wearing the bandages. "Did you put my bandages on?""No, I let slender do it." Satochi joked. "Of course I did." Ai's face turned bright red."You saw my boobs!" Ai gasped. "Oh my god! I'm gonna die right here, right now!" "Yeah I guess I did." Satochi confessed. "B-b-b-but I-I-I-I didn't pay any attention! I-I-I-I was focused on helping you!" He stammered. Ai closed her eyes. She could still feel the heat in her cheeks."Go head." Ai said quietly. "What?""Go head, you can change my bandages." Ai squeaked."O-o-o-o-ok" Satochi stuttered as his face turned red. He started to change her bandages. The entire time Ai kept her eyes closed, but she could feel the heat in her cheeks. Ai had never been so embarrassed."Ok, I'm done." Satochi said. Ai looked down at her bandages. They weren't bloody anymore. "You'll be better in a few days, until than I'll stay here and help you.""Thank you." Ai said. "If I hadnt met you I would probably be dead. I would have bleed out.""Don't thank me. I really don't deserve it." Satochi claimed. Ai was too tired to argue. She was just happy to be alive. And happy that she had a friend, she wasn't alone anymore. Satochi kept mumbling words that Ai couldn't understand."Satochi? What are you saying?" Ai yawned."Hm. Oh its nothing, I'm just mumbling to myself." Satochi insisted. Ai could tell something wasn't right, but she was in no condition to investigate. Sleep was gnawing at her. She kept trying to stay awake but she couldn't."Ai." A voice called out. "Ai, Satochi is not what you think he is. He's not human.""What do you mean not human?" Ai asked the voice."I can not inform you on that such topic. He must tell you himself.""Okay voice in my head, you're starting to creep me out. And why the fuck should I listen to you?" Ai was fed up with this shit. "You just some weird voice that said I was going to die. But look at me, I'm still breathing. My heart is still beating. And you're still just a crazy ass voice that knows nothing." Ai snapped awake. She took a quick look around for Satochi. He was nowhere to be seen. She started to get up. Pain shot through her side. "Shit." Ai gulped. Ai got up ignoring the fact that her side felt like someone was stabbing it over and over again. "Satochi?" Ai whispered. "Satochi where are you?"  Ai walked down the stairs. With each step pain shot through her side."Ow." Ai gasped. "After this I'm never getting up again." When she got down stairs the eerie quietness started to get to her. She looked around the kitchen corner and saw a glowing light.  Satochi was in the kitchen, and he was surrounded by a glowing light. "Satochi!" Ai whispered, but he didn't notice. He was too wrapped up in the glowing light. He had black wings coming out of his back. Ai gasped."Lord Death." Satochi said. "It is not Ai's time to die. I will vouch for her. I do not wish for her to die. I love her, please let her live." Satochi pleaded. Ai sucked in a breath. Satochi really did love her. And who the hell was he talking with?"Father, Lord Death. Please, just please. I really love her, and I won't let you take her away from me!" Satochi yelled."Satochi! Why should I let her live. You know how delicate the balance of life and death is." A deep voice rang out."I don't care! I love her, please." Satochi said."Satochi! Who are you taking to?" Ai asked as she walked into the room. Instantly Satochi grabbed her in his arms. "Satochi what are you doing? Who's Lord Death? Why did you call him father? Why the fuck do you have wings?" Ai was confused."I'll explain later." Satochi insisted."No I want to know now!" Ai demanded."Ok. My father is Death. My mother is an angle. I'm a mistake, I was never supposed to be born." Satochi said quietly. Ai was caught off guard."What? You the son of death?" Ai asked."Yes. Do you see why I didn't want you to know? You probably think I'm a monster don't you?" Satochi whispered."Why would I think you're a monster? I love you, no matter what. Plus you're in here fighting your father for my life, that's heroic." Ai answered."Really?" Satochi asked."Hell yes!" Ai assured. She kissed him. "I love you." Ai giggled."I love you to." Satochi murmured. "Son, do you really love this girl?" The voice rang out again."Yes, of course I do! Thats why I've been arguing with you for the past hour!" Satochi said annoyed."I'll allow her to live. For now." The voice bellowed as the light disappeared. Ai felt a new found strength. Satochi's wings disappeared as he carried her upstairs and to her bed. "Ai, you're crazy." Satochi said."Why?" Ai asked."Because no normal girl would walk into that room if they saw that." Satochi pointed out."Yeah. But I'm not a normal girl." Ai answered.

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