Chapter 7Partners Are There For Eachother

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Ding. Went the stores automatic doors. The scent of perfumes and colognes fill Ai's nostrils. Ai gagged. The smell was too much for her. She coughed."Why do we have to come here first?" Satochi wined."Because if we got get food first if we get frozen stuff it will all melt." Ai coughed. "Is the perfume too much?" Satochi asked concernedly."No I'm fine." Ai said. "Lets just get the clothes and get out of here." Ai started to walk towards the women's section, Satochi followed. Ai walked to the back, She wanted a new sweatshirt and maybe a pair of leggings. "Hey Ai!" Satochi called. "What?" Ai said turning around. "You would look good in this." Satochi was holding what looked like three pieces of fabric. "What is that?" Ai questioned. "Its a bikini. You should wear it!" Satochi grinned. "Wear what? I can't even see it!" Ai said as she pulled it out of his hands. She put it back on the shelf. "Fine. Than what about this. Its a good idea to get one considering its summer in one month." Satochi was holding a black and blue camo bikini. It looked just Ai's size."Maybe." Ai said snatching it out of satochis hands. "Now you go get something for yourself." Ai instructed as she pushed him into the mens section. The shopping was done quick considering they just wanted to get some new stuff. They walked through the mall, Ai was looking for a arts and crafts store."Are we done?" Satochi complained. "No I want to see if I can buy some art supplies." Ai said looking around."Well I'm gonna go look around." Satochi said wondering off. Ai dismissed it and continued on. She searched for what felt like hours, with nothing to be found. Why was it so hard to find an art store. Ai had given up all hope. She couldn't and wouldn't find an art store. Ai sighed a long sigh. "Hey. There you are!" Satochi beemed. He was holding a large blue box. "Here open it." Satochi handed her the box. She looked at him questioningly. "Don't worry its not something bad." Satochi assured. Ai slowly opened the box. It was full of paints, colored pencils, sketch books, canvases, and markers. "Oh my god!" Ai remarked. Ai felt her heart swell. "Why did you get this for me?""Because you said you wanted some art stuff." Satochi said. Ai moved the box too the side of the bench. She lept up and hugged him. She kissed him over and over again. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Ai cheered. "I should buy you presents more often." Satochi smiled."This is the first present anyones ever given me." Ai confused. "What not even on your birthday!" Satochi exclaimed as the both sat up. Ai shook her head. "Well that has to change! Whens your birthday?""June twenty first." Ai said quietly. "I'll be eighteen.""Well I'll make sure to get you a spectacular present." He grinned."I would like that." Ai confessed. Satochi kissed her on the forehead. Ai blushed and giggled slightly. "I love you." Ai squeaked."I love you too. Now let's get our stuff and go home." Satochi said. Neither of them had realized the crowd of people fawning over them. They were saying stuff like "their so cute" and "thats true love." They both walked over to their stuff as the crowd dispersed.  When they got home Ai grabbed a pair of scissors and twirled them around her fingers."Satochi." Ai sang. "Its time for a haircut!""No, no, no, no! Stay away from my fabulous hair!" Satochi yelled as he ran away from her. "Come back here!" Ai boomed as she chased after him. She pinned him to the ground and laid on top of him. "I'm gonna cut your hair." Ai said as she put the scissors close to his hair."Don't mess up my hair. Please." He prayed.  "I won't. Now, hold still." She soothed him. She cut about a foot of hair off.  "There we go. Ta da!" Ai said happily. Satochi's hair was cut to look like L's. He resembled him enough that she felt she could pull it off. He looked better with short hair. It felt fluffy and soft to the touch. "Does it look good?" Satochi asked."Hell yes! Have some faith in me." Ai bragged. Satochi got up and looked in the mirror. "Oh my death! I'm sexy as all hell!" Satochi blurted. Ai laughed, and kissed him on the cheek. "See, I told  you looked good." Ai reminded him. Ai left the self absorbed Satochi and walked downstairs. She looked in the fridge. "Shit!" Ai growled. "We forgot to get more food!" Ai searched around the whole downstairs for something to eat. Nothing, Ai had nothing to eat. Her stomach growled loudly as if it begged her for attention. "Your demon powers allow you to create objects from thin air, even food. You just need to focus on what kind of food you want." Her father boomed in her head. For once Ai listened. She focused her energy on making a plate of chicken appear. She closed her eyes and focused. A red neon light flowed from her hands and onto the table. A plate of chicken appeared as if magic. "Awesome!" Ai said as she jumped up and down. She took a bite of the chicken and instantly flavor filled her tastebuds. She made another plate appare. Satochi walked downstairs. "Do I smell foods?" Satochi dared. "But we didn't go get food." "I found out I can make things from thin air! Its sooooooo cooool!" Ai exclaimed. Satochi took a bite of the chicken and instantly his face lit up."This is the fucking best thing I've ever fucking eaten!" Satochi informed. Ai smiled and they both dug in. After the meal Ai wanted to paint. She just didn't know what. She went upstairs and sat down with her canvas and new selection of paints and began to paint."His name is Pete." Ai's mother said."Can I hold him?" A 6 year old Ai asks."No!" Her mother said fearfully. "You might poison him!" Ai's mothers words hurt her. But her father's boot hurt more. He kicked her and yelled."Go get to your studies!" Ai ran upstairs clutching her face were her fathers boot impacted her face. Ai slammed her door. "I hate you dad! Go to hell!" Ai cried softly. When Ai looked at her painting she saw a young girl covered in cuts and scars. The girl was Ai. Ai put the canvas on the wardrobe so it could dry."Wow. Do your panting express how you feel?" Satochi asked. "If they do you must have some pretty tough stuff.""I did. And my paintings do express how I felt." Ai said sadly. "I've been through a lot. A little too much for me to handle." "Well thats not gonna happen anymore. I'm gonna make your life better!" Satochi declared. He hugged Ai and kissed her. Ai melted. She couldn't deny it she did love Satochi. Even if he was a narcissistic asshole. "I love you." "I love you to, narcissistic asshole." Ai said."Is that my nickname? Because I deserve a better one." Satochi argued."Nope thats your nickname." Ai giggled. Ai felt tired after the long day. Ai moved away from Satochi and climbed into her cold bed. Ai shivered. "You cold?" Satochi asked. Ai shivered in response. Satochi climbed into her bed. he pulled Ai close to him. Heat radiated off of his body. Ai lost her consciousness and fell into her dreams.

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