Chapter 10I'm Back

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Ai woke up in an inferno. There was fire everywhere. Ai's wings, claws, and markings could be seen. Is this hell? Ai wondered. "Hello Ai. Welcome to my domain." Makoto smiled slyly. Ai stood up."What the hell. I killed you! Why do you still haunt me?" Ai growled. "You can't kill someone stronger than you. You just killed the body I use in the mortal realm.""Mortal realm?" Ai asked. "Were the mortals live. I walk among them in secret. Spreading what my father wishes." "Father?" Ai was confused. "Satan. My father is Satan and I'm his successor. I'll be getting the crown in two days time. And you will be my bride." Makoto smiled as he grabbed Ai by the hand. She jerked her hand loose and smacked him across the face."Don't touch me!" Ai announced. "And what do you mean bride. I would never marry you!" "But I'm stronger than you and in hell the male chooses who ever he wants to marry. The woman gets no say unless they're stronger than the male." Makoto exclaimed. "I am stronger!" Ai argued. "Ha! You will soon be mine." Makoto smiled. "Goodbye my love." Makoto kissed her hand than the world disappeared. Ai woke up in her bed. She sat up and looked around. Was it just a nightmare? No it was too real to just be a nightmare. Ai shivered. How could she stop Makoto from doing what he wished? She remembered what her father said. "You could surpass Satan." I just need to keep killing, Ai smiled. She was gonna kill Makoto."Huh. Oh you're awake." Satochi yawned. "Yeah I just got hungry." Ai lied. She wondered if she should tell Satochi about what Makoto had said. She didn't want him to worry, but she also wanted him to know. "Actually I have to tell you something." Ai explained what happened."WHAT THE HELL! Your mine he can't have you." Satochi grabbed her and hugged her close. "I'm gonna help you no matter what it takes. If anyone were to marry you, it would be me.""What!" Ai said. "Did you just say you would marry me?" Ai was utterly shocked."Yes, because you're mine and Makoto can't have you." Satochi grinned. Ai was still stunned. Was this the same Satochi that climbed through Ai's window? What had changed him?"My father said I need to kill to grow stronger." Ai explained. "Then get you stuff because tonight we go on a killing spree." Satochi smiled evilly. Ai couldn't help but smile. A killing spree did sound fun. But it also meant no sleep, and no sleep equals no nightmares or creepy visits from Makoto. That night Ai grabbed her mask and knife. It felt like forever since she had been killing. She had to wait for her wounds to heal but they were close enough to being completely scared over. The word unclean would be forever scarred into her skin. Ai and Satochi crept along the dark alleyways. They sneaked into the first house. Ai tiptoed towards a small room off to the right. There was a single bed in the room. She took her knife and brought it against the figures torso. Ai smiled as she quickly pulled out the guts and drew with them."First house done." Ai mumbled as they left. In one night the racked up a body count of 30. Both Ai and Satochi felt proud. Ai felt stronger. When they got back Ai wanted to see if she had any new powers. "Try mindcontrol. I heard that one's easy to master." Satochi suggested. Ai looked at Satochi. She closed her eyes and tried to focus. Satochi's eyes became cloudy and he sat quietly."Say I'm a narcissistic asshole." Ai told him."I'm a narcissistic asshole." Satochi repeated."Wow it worked!" Ai exclaimed."What worked?" Satochi asked as his eyes became normal."I can control minds!" Ai smiled. "I wonder what I can make you do?""Hey don't make me do anything weird." Satochi warned."I won't." Ai promised. She tried again this time it was easier for her. Satochi looked at her blankly. She didn't want to do anything so she just released the spell."What did you make me do!" Satochi looked around nervously.  "I didnt do anything so can can relax." Ai calmed him. Ai got up and walked towards the fridge. Her stomach was growling. She looked around and found a single slice of cheesecake. "Yes!" Ai smiled and grabbed the slice. She gulped it down in almost one bite. Ai yawned. She was exhausted from last night. "I'm tired too, but you have to stay awake." Satochi told her. But Ai had already fallen asleep. She snored loudly.  "Well a nap won't hurt her." Satochi picked her up and carried her to her room. He put her on her bed. "Wake up Ai. You have one day left." Makoto shook her shoulder. Ai's eyes snapped open. She was in a red room full of fire. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room. Ai was laying on the bed. She was in a long red and orange kimono. "Where the hell am I? How the hell did I get here?"  Ai jumped up and pulled out her knife. "How stupid are you? I summon you when you slumber. I don't have the power to summon you when you're awake but I soon will be able to. Than we will wed and kill that little mistake of a life." Makoto smiled cheerfully. "I will never marry you! And Satochi is not a mistake of life! I love him and I hate you!" Ai was appalled. How could Makoto talk about her  and Satochi like that? Ai would never marry him not now, not in a million years."My dear why don't I show you around our place." Makoto said as he grabbed her arm. Ai flinched away from him. "Don't touch me!" Ai hissed. Makoto ignored what she had said. He proceed to pull her out the large door and out on to a balcony. Ai looked around. There was a blood red sky and the ground looked like it was made of charred stone. It looked like New York City but underground. Almost everything was flaming. Ai could see different sized houses."Each different household one rank of demon. The smaller ones for omegas and the larger ones for alphas. We have the largest household. I'm the king here." Makoto explained. He turned and looked at Ai. "And you are my queen." Ai wanted to throw up. "Your body is awaking. You must leave my queen." He kissed her hand. "Until next time."Ai woke up. She was laying in her bed. Her red and orange kimono was back to her blue tank top and black leggings. Ai looked at who was next to her. Satochi was sleeping like a baby. She smiled at the sight of him. If Ai was gonna marry anyone it would be him. She loves him, and would do anything for him.  Something dawned on Ai. She only had one day to become stronger than Makoto."Satochi wake up!" Ai shook Satochi awake. "Wake up I need help getting stronger! I only have one day!""What only one day! We need to get to work!" Satochi jumped up. He grabbed his knife and tossed Ai her's. "Its the middle of the day. We can't kill now! We will get caught." Ai reasoned."But if we don't Makoto will get you, and I can't let that happen!" Satochi snapped. "I know. But we can't get caught." Ai hugged Satochi. "You don't need to worry about me. I'll kill Makoto." Satochi hugged Ai back. "I don't want to lose you." Satochi wined."Don't worry. You won't lose me." Ai kissed him. Ai couldn't lose this. She would fight Makoto and she would win.

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