Side Quest: Cuddles Over Sex [Quackbur]

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This is based in the same reality as '11 Seconds' and was written for thebeehaver

It takes place during Wilbur's Sad Boi Hours.

!!TW/CW: Sexual Implications!!

. . .

Alex was lost in this sense of bliss. He’d left Dream with George and made his way to the address he’d been supplied with.

He could hardly believe Wilbur thought Alex hated him, let alone didn’t love him.

He’d fallen for the brit slowly and steadily from the very first moment they spoke.

Nothing had hurt more than hearing the pain in his true love's voice as he spilled his deepest scars to Tommy and Ranboo. He’d tuned in and out as he messaged Dream. Alex had never flown over the ocean before and he knew Dream would go with him if there was something in it for him.

Big D


D: Jesus Quackity what’s up?

Q: Fly to the UK with me I will buy your ticket please I don’t wanna fly on my own but I will if I have to

D: ???

What the fuck?!

Alex had explained everything and Dream had quickly accepted the offer. He could meet George, and Alex would keep him updated on Wilbur’s mental health. Two things he cared about a lot.

So, after a quick flight to Florida, the pair made their flight up to the United Kingdom. In total, it had taken maybe four days.

Alex had shown up at Wilbur's door - George had provided the address - and knocked gently. He heard noises through the door. It creaked open slowly and the sight before him made his heart shatter.

He was certain the Brit looked better than he had only a few days ago, but he still looked like he'd lost years of his life.

Alex took a shaky breath, ready to greet his long time friend and crush.

His voice died in his throat when the taller man gasped, covering his mouth as tears poured down his cheeks. Alex dove through the door, pulling Wil to his chest and holding him there. He sunk into the Latinos arms immediately and buried himself in the others' grasp.

"What- what the hell are- are you doing here?" He shuddered out between near sobs.

Alex giggled sadly. "Had to make sure the love of my life didn't kill himself."

"I- you- what-?"

"Wilbur, I love you. And it hurts that you ever thought I didn't. I mean, I kind of thought my flirting was obvious." He tried lightening the mood before growing serious again. "Tommy called me on Ranboo's phone when you called him crying. Said something about comfort, knowing that someone else might be better equipped to help being there. I heard everything. I didn't hang up on you and I'm not entirely sure what happened to that phone call. I'd thought you hung up. So, I left you alone in case you needed space." He frowned. "Now that I say it out loud, it sounds kinda stupid. I should've called to see if you were okay. I'm sorry. And, the video the other day- oh, gosh. Well, I'd completely forgotten about it. I was busy wallowing in my own self pity. Wondering if you were ever gonna talk to me again."

Alex hoped more than anything that Wil hadn't given up on his love. 

All Wilbur did was stare with wide eyes. "Wait, go back. Say that again."

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