Feathers and Flames - Desert Duo

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A/N: I took a break from writing towards the end of the school year so I could focus on graduating. I also started watching Hermitcraft, so I'm sharing a few little things I've written.

!!Tw: Fire, Minor Gore?, Minor Defamation of Character, Death, Vomiting!!

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HotGuy and CuteGuy have been the most prominent and successful partners-in-crime - errm - partners-in- heroics their city had seen for nearly eleven years. They rarely made mistakes; at least, never any that were too dangerous to be corrected by their next move. They truly cared about the citizens they were saving. They kept collateral to a minimum and often stuck around to help with cleanup when they didn't have other hero duties to attend to. And, much to their PR team's liking, they were popular for their attitudes as well.

There were often videos circling the internet about any one of their most recent interviews or a sneaky video of them helping a child. Both heroes were kind to the people they spoke to, but that's not quite what the public liked.

The public, well, they're ones for drama and HotGuy and CuteGuy sure provided it.

After battles and during partner interviews, they were usually bickering; pointing out flaws in each other's actions, disputing about who did the most saving, who was the most heroic, who deserved to be on camera first. Little, niche things that no one should really be arguing about.

To any outside eye, they were more fitting for enemies than colleagues and could care less for the others' safety.

But, tucked away at the very tippy-top of HotGuy tower, in their shared apartment, they were free to be themselves. They were free to be the happy, loving husbands Scar and Grian GoodTimes wanted to be.

Before becoming heroes, Scar and Grian attended Hermit High, meeting in their first year. They were quick friends, or, in Scar's case, quick nuisances. Slowly, Scar nudged Grian out of his shell. Grian had been the one to confess, if you could even count it as such, during one of their weekly study nights in Scars bedroom. Scar was going on and on about his Space class and, as much as Grian loved listening to Scar talk, his thoughts were stuck on Scar's lips and he couldn't register a single word. He'd quickly had enough and burst out with a "Will you just shut up and kiss me?!"

From then, it's history.

At 18 and 19, just a month after graduating, they landed a job as interns at a decent hero agency. Moony's agency, to be precise. Now, don't be impressed quite yet; they didn't exactly earn their place there. All it took was a long session of begging Grian's sister, Pearl, for a place. The best she could offer was errand boys, and they took it, if only to say they worked at an agency. However, Pearl knew just how much her brother and his boyfriend admired the heroes. During the spring, when crime rates were impressively low, just a year into working at Pearl's agency, they were allowed one patrol. Now, Moony would be going herself, so she had no reason to worry for the two, but still, she held Grian down and strapped a bullet-proof vest to his chest, just in case.

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