Erotévomai - Ranboo [Alex] x Male OC

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A/N: Guys, I'm finally done! Just in time for labour day, too! Now you'll have something to do when your families drag you to the most awful places you can imagine - just mine? Okay...

Anywho, this one takes place in the same universe as 'Latino's in my Kitchen.' If you haven't read it or need a reminder, I'd recommend reading that first. That being said, this is a request from bonesdup_my who has been very hyped for this.

['this is actually my favorite headcannon i love this so much please make another one of this where ranboo is like asking his crush out or something or like the smp figures out he's alex plsssss <3 lots of love']

Also, the title means 'Falling in Love' in Greek. This one has an ambiguous/open ending. [A.K.A Author could never figure out how to properly end it without adding another billion words.]

!!TW/CW: Swearing, Fighting/Yelling, Passing Out, Panic Attacks, Homophobia, Harassment/Sexual Harassment, Google Translate!! [I think I've got them all, but let me know if you find any others. I just spent the better half of my weekend editing and I really do not feel like re-reading this for a fourth time to find them all.]

. . .

It was a rare day. One of those where George streamed. He was only twenty minutes in and he already wanted to end. It'd been three months since Leo had been introduced to the rest of the world and most people had gotten over it, but sometimes when he mentioned his fiancé, the Chat went crazy.

And that's what is happening now. His phone - which he'd forgotten to set to vibrate - pinged. He rolled his eyes and sarcastically said, "Ugh, stop texting me."

Chat immediately blew up, assuming he and Leo had gotten into a fight and other things of the like. They were way too obsessed with that kind of drama.

He was in the middle of explaining that nothing of the sort had happened when a loud, vaguely spanish "Fuck!" echoed through the house. It was followed shortly by the front door slamming and footsteps stomping up the stairs.

George gave an exasperated sigh. "Streaming!"

"I know. I've just come to pout on your stairs." Light brown hair peaked over the railing and quickly sunk back below as Alex sat down with a huff. Chat had gotten very used to Alex barging in randomly and was no longer impressed by his outbursts.

"Pout at home."

"But Gigi! He said my eyes were pretty today! What do I do?"

George slammed his forehead on his desk. "I don't know, compliment him back? Look, it's been a long day and I really don't want to listen to you complaining about T- erm, him, right now."

"Fine, but I'm not going home." A hand reached from the stairs to pet George's cat, who had smelled her favourite visitor and made an appearance. They were silent for only four seconds before Alex let out an annoyed groan. "I've already complimented everything about him! How do I flirt with people?"

George pulled an annoyed face and pointedly ignored the other, continuing to chop the tree. "I'm going to add a chimney or something. Maybe-"

A loud ringing cut him off. Leo's voice, sounding just as annoyed as George, answered, "I'm working." A second hand laid a phone on the floor beside the cat.

"George is ignoring me."

"Neat. I'm hanging up," Leo sounded unamused.

"No! Help me! He won't listen to my gay panic!"

"Neither will I. Hanging up."

Alex sighed in defeat, but his phone rang again immediately. He picked it up and screamed. His hair popped above the rails before, once again, sinking below. This time, though, there was a series of thuds and an "ow."

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