Side Quest: Shower Thoughts - Tomboo

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"Can you write Ranboo having facial dysmorphia and Tommy comforting him?"

Yes I can. Thanks for asking. This takes place in the same universe as '11 Seconds.' Tommy and Ranboo live together :]

!!TW/CW: Facial Dysmorphia, Waterboarding, Eating!!

. . .

Tommy groaned loudly as he sat at the table. He slid the extra plate of curry across to his boyfriend. "Why is being a streamer so hard?"

Ryleigh hummed as they sunk deeper into the hard chair and picked up a fork.

"I mean, we've been together for years now. Why do the pet names make people freak the fuck out still? Plus, I called you 'Boo' before we even met in person." He slurped the noodles loudly.

Ranboo nodded, twirling their own noodles in the prongs of their fork. Their eyebrows creased.

Tommy set his fork down gently. "Boo? What's wrong?"

They sighed. "Just not feeling well. I think I'm going to take a warm shower." They slid the plate away and stood up. "S-orry," their voice cracked, "It's good, I promise. I just- sorry."

Tommy watched in sad silence as Ryleigh almost ran down the hallway towards the bathroom. He pushed his own plate aside and took his boyfriends to the counter. He found the plastic wrap and covered the curry before setting it in the fridge. He returned back to his own curry and ate it slowly, lost in thought.

A while later - he wasn't sure how long it'd been - he scraped the remains of his food into the trash can and rinsed his plate. He glanced at the clock and froze.

Ryleigh had been in shower for nearly an hour without making so much as a noise.

He dropped his plate into the sink and ran down the hallway, tripping as he rounded the corner by the bathroom. He knocked gently on the door. "Boo?" He got no response, but he could hear the water running, which meant Ryleigh was still in there.

He knocked harder. "Ryleigh?"

Again, no answer.

He hated to intrude on their privacy, but he had the right to be worried about them. He reached up to the top of the doorframe and slid his hand across it. Bingo.

Using the metal key, he unlocked the door and opened it.

The first thing he noticed was Ryleigh's phone open on the counter. On its screen was Twitter.

@RanbooSaysStuff should have left the mask and glasses on nobody wants to see that

Most of the responses were in disagreement, but there were a few agreeing to it.

Tommy growled and shut off the screen. He pushed further into the bathroom. The curtains over the shower were closed and, as he drew closer, he could hear muffled sobbing from the inside.

Gently, he pulled back the curtain to reveal his boyfriend.

Ryleigh sat, fully clothed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, against the back of the shower. Their ankles were crossed and their knees pulled up to their chest. They shook as sobs wrenched through their body. Their wet hair draped over the top of their knees, covering their face.

They turned their head to look at their boyfriend. "I'm sorry."

Tommy couldn't see their face from behind the mask and glasses they wore, but he could imagine the devastation that must be plastered there.

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