Cherry Wine and Wayfinding - MythicalSausage x Smallishbeans [S2]

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A/N: Sausage worships three gods: Santa Perla, Bubs, and Joel. Why does Joel feel like Sausage doesn't see him?

Inspired by Tom on TikTok

!!TW/CW: Minor arguing, Mentioned Panic Attack!!

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Sausage was a lot of things. He was tall and handsome, well kept. He was a master builder and very creative. He was kind and giving. He was passionate and expressive. He had this giggle that could spread like wildfire. His eyes sparkled endlessly, like there was excitement in everything he looked at.

But above all, Sausage was confusing.

Joel didn't understand how Sausage could be so completely devoted to Santa Perla and Bdubs and not even bat an eye in his direction. No temple, no shrine, not even an offering or a thank you.

Don't get him wrong, he and Sausage interacted plenty, all positive, but it was like Sausage didn't even recognise him as the God he is. To Sausage, he was just... a friend... his baby daddy.

Hermes was Sausage's pride and joy. And Joel was just... there. There to drop him off, there to babysit.

Dammit! Sausage was hurting him and he didn't even know it.

What about him was so wrong? Why couldn't Sausage see him? He was handsome. He'd thought so, atleast. He tried to be thoughtful. He'd provided a home for all his people! He was friendly- so, so friendly. Everyone liked him. Everyone except Sausage, it seemed.

Did Sausage need more than that? What else was there to give?

Realistically, he knows he should talk to the latino. That would fix just about everything.

He doesn't. Instead, he throws his blocks into a shulker box and takes the short flight down to Chromia.

Chromia was a colourful little village inhabited by llama's and Scott. Recently, lot's of things had taken a sudden orange turn, but Joel thought it added just a bit more personality into the town. He thought Scott should consider planting fruit trees, like oranges, apples, cherries.

Joel loves cherries. He remembers sharing a bottle of cherry wine with Sausage the night the fountain first rose into the air. They'd lain on a much too small blanket on the lonely floating isle watching the stars and sipping wine. Sausage had pointed out some of his favourite constellations and tried to explain the basics of wayfinding. Joel lived in the clouds, he had no need for things like that. Still, he listened, trying to imagine what a stern, thwart, or yoke might be; He was pretty sure one would describe his mum's rules, the other a warning, and the last a food. How they had to do with a canoe, he hadn't the slightest clue.

By the time the sun was rising, Sausage had dozed off. He slept soundly by Joel's side and used his arm as a pillow. Joel sat by his side until he awoke, watching his slow breathing and keeping an eye out for stray phantoms. He found a strange comfort that night. He'd been struggling to think of how he might expand Stratos, but watching Sausage sleep brought him a new peace of mind and for the first time in a while, he'd been able to think.

Joel was forced from his head when he nearly crashed into the blade of Scott's windmill. He landed slowly, opting to walk the rest of the way to Scott's front door rather than waste rockets - Jimmy never had gunpowder available.

As he approached Scott's house, he called out for the man. Scott told the other rulers that he didn't know what his species was, that he was probably just a human, but Joel disagreed. He'd been alive long enough and had met enough species to know that Scott was some kind of elf. He'd spent a good few years with a colony of wood elves before settling down in Stratos. Wood elves typically built in all sorts of colour, like Scott. They had a spirit animal they were particularly fond of, like Scott. They were collectors and unintentional thieves, like Scott.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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