Coffee Boy - TommyInnit x MaleOC

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A/N: New story! Still taking requests!

Milo isn't actively described in the story, but this what I imagined him to look like. The only things that are mentioned come after the semicolon [;]. Plus, he's shorter than Tommy. His exact height also isn't stated.

Milo: light brown hair, shaggy w natural darker highlights, green eyes, light freckles, prefers baggy clothes and isn't afraid to rock a crop top, high cheekbones and always has a natural blush; wears makeup when he's not working, but doesn't do much outside of work, doesn't have many friends outside of work, almost always has his nails painted

. . .

It was a normal day for Milo. He'd gotten up 'round six. He'd showered, read a chapter in the newest book he bought, and made breakfast for him and his roommates. He'd touched up his nails - purple, if you were wondering - and threw on his uniform.

At eight-thirty, grabbing his keys and wallet, he ran out the door.

Milo worked at 'Ka Pī Kofe' about twenty minutes away from his apartment by foot. It's a small corner cafe in downtown Brighton. It's a bit out of the way, but still out there. They have a few regulars, but most of the profit came from random people on the street who only wanted a coffee and a quiet place to sit and work.

He clocked in at nine, tied on his apron, and stood behind the counter.

It had been just like every other day. Nothing significant. No one significant. The most excitement he got was when someone ordered two different coffees.

It was nearly eleven and all Milo wanted was to go home to his apartment and collapse in his bed.

A new customer. Someone he didn't recognize, as usual.

A short brunette and his taller friend made their way up to the counter. The taller of the two was very distracted on his phone.

. . .

"What can I get for you, today?" I felt the fake happiness seep into my voice.

The brunette bounced on his toes, gesturing with a camera I hadn't noticed in his hand. "Hi! Me and my friend are vloggers and we were wondering if it's alright if we film in here? If not, that's totally fine. We just like to get as much content as we can."

I smiled at his energy. "I don't think it'll be a problem as long as you're not causing too much raucous."

"We won't. Thank you." He smiled brightly, causing me to smile back. "Can I get a caramel latte?"

I rang him up. "Can I get a name for that?"


"Great. It'll be out in just a few moments." I glanced behind me to see my coworker, Stacie, already making his drink.

Toby turned around, walking onto the floor. As he passed his friend, he elbowed him. "I'm gonna find a seat. Order something, Tom."

His friend stepped forward. I stared down at the register, waiting for him to order before I realised I hadn't said much to prompt him.

I cleared my throat. "What can I get for you?" My hand hovered above the computer screen.

He stayed silent for two minutes. I looked up, thinking for a moment he'd left.

I looked up into the most beautiful pair of ocean blue eyes I'd ever seen.

He stared down at me, scanning over my features. His jaw slacked slightly.

I cleared my throat, flushing. "What can I get for you, sir?"

"You're really pretty." He blinked, eyes widening. "I- I mean- I'm sorry. That was probably really creepy. I didn't mean that. Well, I mean, I did. It's true, but I didn't mean to say that outloud. And-"

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