Should I finish this?

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!!TW/CW: Mildly traumatising, mentioned drugs, mentioned sex, mentioned drinking, abusive parenting, mention of therapy!!

A/N: Hello, all! It's been a while, hasn't it? School started up and for some god awful reason, all my friends decided to start drama?! Basically, I had no free time.

I wrote this, but it's unfinished. I just wanna know if I should finish it. It's in the same universe as 'Latino's In My Kitchen' and 'Erotévomai.' It is titled 'Voítheia.' Also, please correct any grammatical mistakes; it leaves less work for me in the end.

. . .

Bill hated days like this. Days where his mom had so many men over. Days where he couldn't stand to be home. Days where he just had to get out.

And Ranboo knew. He knew it all. The drinking, the sex. The running, the hiding.

That's why he was here at a god awful time in the morning trying his hardest to look strong and fine for his friend. Except he wasn't. In fact, he could barely keep it together.

Maybe Ranboo knew. Maybe he could tell.

So, he forced a smile and barged his way into Ranboo's streaming space, ignoring the new furniture - he wasn't a fan of unexpected change.

He slipped his key back around his neck.

They conversated for a while before Bill noticed his own unending shivering. "Dude," he began, "why the hell is it so cold in here?"

Ranboo shrugged innocently, "Dunno, man. Maybe bring a jacket next time."

Bill glared playfully. "Fuck off, bro. Can I borrow one of yours?"

Ranboo shrugged. "You know where they're at."

"Thanks man. You're the best," Bill smiled, heading towards the door.

"I know," Bill could hear the smile in his voice as he closed the door.

He trotted down the hall towards Ranboo's bedroom. Ranboo's room was always impressive to Bill. It has a huge bed - fit for several kings and a queen. He had two closets on either side, both with sliding doors. And, he never used the overhead lights. He only used his L.E.D.'s, which surrounded every border in the room.

As he reached for the handle, he glanced at the crack below the door. Purple lighting poured out from it.

"Bill!" Ranboo sounded panicked when Bill pushed open the door.

Bill squealed at the sight before him. Two people lay sleeping in Ranboo's bed. A man and a woman. Both looked very naked.

Bill ran quickly back to the studio, leaving the door open behind him. "Ranboo!" He panicked, "There are two people sleeping in your bed!"

"Uhh, yeah, I forgot to mention them. Just... I'll get you a hoodie." He pushed past his stunned friend.

Bill sat, shocked, in Ranboo's chair, trying to decipher what this new info meant. A man and woman, naked, in Ranboo's bed. Just as Ranboo came back, he'd come to his conclusion.

"So," he tried, "Didn't know you were into that, bro." Please, he begged silently, don't let Ranboo be like her.

"What, men? Dude, you've known for, like, ever."

"No! No, I didn't know you were into... y'know... like... that." He put awkward emphasis on his words, trying to make his point obvious.

Ranboo's face burned red. "Like, a one-night stand? Is that what you're asking?"

"Well, yeah. " It was Bill's turn to change skin tones. "I didn't take you for that kind of guy."

"What? Bill! We did not have sex!"

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