Chapter 6 "Interviews Again."

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Clove's PoV

"Wake up!" Ivory says brightly. I rub my eyes and move Cato's arm off of me. He groans and wakes up. I walk sleepily to the bathroom and have a shower. I walk out and Cato goes in. I ate some breakfast and Flux comes up to and says, "Today you and Cato have to practice for your interviews. Just find an angle and rehearse."

"Also, the interviews will be in couples and not individually. " he adds. Cato walks past me, his scent blowing on me, making me burn up and smile.

"We're going to leave you two to practice now. Bye!" Ivory says while he elevator door closes.

"So what should our interview angle be?" I ask. 

"Well, the Capitol likes romance right?"


"Then we should be romantic. That will get us sponsors and the audience will love it, also we barely need to practice."

"Good idea. I think we should act like we did in the interviews last time. Like I was sarcastic with a little bit of sweetness."

We practice everything we could but we didn't know what questions were coming for us. I hoped I could get a shorter dress this time because I nearly tripped over my long one. I find a pair of high heels on a bench with a note saying 'Practice with these ~Flux'. I slip them on and walk steadily around the apartment with them. I was already used to them by now. After walking around everywhere with them, I completely forgot until my feet started getting sore. I moan quietly and rub my ankles. I climb into bed and fall instantly asleep.

I wake up with Cato telling me we have to meet up with our stylists now. He kisses me on the cheek and leaves with Ivory. Flux escorts to a room where he will dress me up.

"I have the perfect dress for you." He says while rubbing his hands together and walking to a wardrobe. He takes out a stunning light cream dress. I tried it on and it was tight on the top but flared out to the bottom. The front was shorter than the back and it had a gorgeous pattern on top. Flux handed a pair of dangly earrings with hearts as their charm. He points to a box and says, "Those shoes." I nod and open the box. It was high heels of course, the same colour as my dress. Flux does a small braid on the right side of my head and pins small flowers on it. He puts make-up that gave me a natural look. "All done. You can go now." He says while smiling.

"Thanks." I say gratefully while hugging him.

I walk out to see everyone lining up. Cato's eyes lit up when he saw me and we run to each other for a hug. He's wearing black suit with a half unbuttoned white shirt underneath.

"Aw isn't that cute." Genevieve comments in disgust. I roll my eyes and walk over to Silver. Her dress matched her name; it was silver with a sparkly one shoulder strap. It went all the way down to her ankles. Aidan was wearing a suit to match her.

"You look so pretty!" I exclaim. 

"Look at yourself!" she replies. We all turn our heads to the screen as Genevieve and Atlas are called up. Since there were 2 people the interview time went for 6 minutes. Genevieve wore a tight black dress with a diamond belt. Atlas wore a shiny grey suit.

Caesar introduces them to the crowd and they sit down a bit distant from each other. This time Caesar had his hair in green.

"So, Atlas, what do you think about Genevieve? Answer honestly." he asks.

"She's my district partner so I don't mind her." Atlas lies.

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