Chapter 7 "The Bloodbath"

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Cato’s PoV

“Good morning, today’s the day!” Flux and Ivory say in unison. “Get changed quickly, we got to go!”

Clove quickly gets changed and leaves with Flux, Ivory meets me outside of my room and we walk up to the roof.

“Excited?” Ivory asks while smiling.

“Yes, a lot. The Bloodbath is always the most fun part of the games.” I answer truthfully. The hovercraft lands and I walk in.

“I’ll see you soon!” She says cheerfully while waving. I sit down and a lady comes up and inserts a tracking device in everyone’s arm. The hovercraft takes off and we are on our way to the Launch Rooms. I look at all the different tributes and spot Clove who is smirking and shooting intimidating looks at everyone. Luckily, Atlas wasn’t sitting anywhere near her. We arrive at the arena and everyone is escorted to the catacombs under the arena. I pace around the room and the door opens.

“Remember this?” Ivory says nicely while she hands me my district token.

“Thankyou.” I reply. A voice starts counting down.

“Have fun Cato.” She says as I walk on the circular metal plate and disappear.

“Let the First Fallen Hunger Games begin!” A familiar voice booms across the arena. The countdown starts. I look at the arena, it looked like a rainforest, and the sun was blazing hot. I could hear water crashing against rocks. 10, 9, 8. I was in my position to run. 7, 6, 5. I lock eye contact with the weapon and backpack I want. 4, 3, 2. My stomach in knots. 1. I run to the machete I wanted, no one else was getting it but the girl from 12 stumbles across me. I swung my machete at her and she ducks and screams out someone’s name. She was distracted so lunged my machete straight into her stomach and she falls helplessly to the ground. I hear an axe from Silver fly past me into the girl from 3’s head. I see the boy from 12 running to me with a spear but he coughs out blood and falls on his knees. A knife in his back, Clove. I look around for my next target, I watch as Genevieve stabs the District 6 girl to death. I saw the District 11 boy running to tackle Clove but an arrow goes into his neck, an arrow from Atlas. The District 3 boy runs past me for the backpack behind me, he had a sword. I spin around and he looks at me with determination. He swings his sword at my head; I deflect it with my machete and kick him over. “Bye.” I say while piercing my machete into his heart. A knife whizzes past me to the girl from 5’s neck. She couldn’t survive that; her blood was staining the grass all around her. Clove smirks but the boy from 9 tackles her to the ground. “Cato!” She screams out. This guy was double her size with a dagger; he held his arm up to stab her face. “I’m coming Clove.” I run over and throw the tribute into a crate full of supplies and weapons. There was a spear coming out from his stomach because he landed on it. Clove gets up and mouths “Thanks.” She pulls out another knife and spots the boy from 8 attempting to escape from the Bloodbath. I hear a yelp of pain behind me and I turn around to see a trident being taken out of the male from 7 by Aidan. I turn my attention back to Clove but instead I see Silver swinging her axe into the boy from 5’s stomach. The District 8 girl was running after Clove to save her District partner so I start chasing her. Genevieve runs past me and tackles her.

“My kill.” She scowls at me while lifting her knife up to stab the helpless girl to death. I run as fast as I can to get some supplies and leave with Clove.

Clove’s PoV

I look at Cato run towards me and I take one last look at my kill, I threw a knife in his head. Normally I aim for their back but I wanted to do something different. Cato grabs my arm and we crash through the trees together. We keep running until we were out of breath and I check through our supplies. Hopefully, the Careers went in a different direction, we were too exhausted to fight them at the moment. The air was very humid and I found a water bottle in our backpack. It was empty though which was obviously not useful. I could hear water in the background so I decided I should fill up the bottle.

“I’m just going to fill this up okay?” I inform Cato.

“I’m coming with you.”

“No, you need some rest. I promise I’ll be fine, it will just take a minute.” I say while hugging him.

“You’d better keep that promise.” He says while leaning against the giant rock behind him.

I walk to the direction of the sound. ‘Wow.’ I whisper under my breath. It was a giant waterfall with the sun’s rays making a rainbow where the water smashed the rocks beneath. I could feel water sprinkle on my face, cooling me down. I walk to the lake of the waterfall and kneel down. The water was so clear I could see my own reflection. I take off the lid and dip the bottle in. I take a look at the other side of the lake and hear a bunch of voices chatting. I recognised them, the Careers. I quickly close the lid and run behind a tree to look at what they were doing. I scan the area for other tributes and there was the District 9 girl in the distance. The Careers were running in her direction now but she had a blowgun, probably loaded with poisonous darts because she had just killed a deer with it. She hears the Careers laughing and runs quickly. They were gaining on her quickly and easily but suddenly there was a loud growling. I could see piercing golden eyes in the midst of the trees. The Careers lose the girl and scurry away. There was some kind of creature there that the Careers know of.

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