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noun: a scene in a movie, novel, etc. Set in a time earlier than the main story.

verb: move to a scene in a movie, novel etc. That is set in a time earlier than the main story.





Kageyama's POV
I've finally made it to the library. I didn't notice or see her as I walked in. She works as both a librarian and a librarian's keeper. It was also here when I met her for the first time. because on that particular day...


"Your cooking abilities are poor. I saw what you did earlier; your cooking area is filthy, unlike your classmates; I'm not angry; I'm simply dissatisfied," said Miss Akira, our classroom adviser. Today is my cooking lesson, and Miss Akira is teaching us how to cook, and I failed on the first try.

"I-I'm sorry, Miss Akira..I'm not used to cooking..." I stutteringly stammered. "It's alright, Tobio," she said, patting my head and said, "If you want to improve your cooking skills, you should read some tips on how to do it properly without causing any trouble."

"Go ahead and go to the library and grab some books on cooking and start your day by learning that, okay?" she added. I raised my head because I was disappointed and embarrassed of myself as I looked down at my feet. I smiled and nodded at her.

"Thank you very much, Miss Akira! I swear I'll work hard so you may be proud of me!"

"I have faith in you, Tobio," she laughed, "and I know you can do it. Do your best." I nodded and gave her a nice hug.

The next day, following the events of the previous day and the chat with Miss Akira. I went to the library to look for some books about cooking.

As I entered the library, I noticed a large number of students reading peacefully. I then head over to the book stall and begin looking for a cookery book.

I was having trouble finding a culinary book as I began my quest. "This part doesn't contain a recipe book," I reasoned, "so I'll have to check the other sections."

I walked to the other section.When I got to the second part, I started looking for the book I required, but I couldn't find it.

So long as I keep looking for it and can't locate it. I came to a halt in the middle of my track and decided to give up. "Damn it, why couldn't I discover such a simple thing?"

I mumbled to myself till someone emerged and abruptly approached me. "Uh hello! Do you require assistance?" a female voice interrupts my monologue.

When I turned my sight to her, I noticed a young woman standing in front of me, her hair in a bun. She's smiling at me, and she's dressed in a uniform, so she's presumably working here?I then swallowed my saliva and responded to her.

"Uh yes, I need help.." I answered, fighting the want to look at her, despite the fact that she is stunning.

"Oh, so you're in need of assistance?" she asked, and I nodded. "Alright, since I'm a librarian and the librarian in charge here, what book are you looking for?" she inquired. When I look at her, I'm not sure why my heart is racing so quickly.

"Uh... I'm looking for a book about cooking," I explained, and she responded with a "O" curve in her mouth.

"Of course, a cookbook! right follow me!" she exclaims as she leads the way. I let out a gasp as I inhaled her hair's scent. It has a pleasant fragrance, similar to that of a flower. After that, I shook my head and trailed followed her.


She came to a halt after strolling for a while. I believe we've arrived; I check the section number and it's number 13.

When I looked up, I noticed a sign that said "cooking books.""Here we are!" she exclaimed, smiling. I gave a small smile and took a look around."So, this is the section, huh.. I'm so stupid, I didn't see this.."

I murmured, blaming myself, and she laughed. When I looked at her, I noticed she was getting a ladder.

"What are you going to do with that ladder?" I inquired, and she replied. "I'm simply getting ready in case you locate a book on the higher shelf; I'm not tall, as you can tell by my height," she said, laughing. I giggled a little and went to look for a book.

I eventually discovered the book after much searching, and it's on a higher shelf. I then spoke to her while pointing my finger. "There's the book I found,"

I replied, and she made a "O" gesture in her mouth as she looked at where my finger was pointing. "See, the book you're looking for is on a higher shelf. right, I'm going to go up and get it," she says as she climbs the ladder.

I nodded, but I stopped her and grabbed the ladder before she could go up to retrieve it. "It's okay, you don't have to grab it for me; I can handle it on my own," I responded, concerned.

"Get down; you might simply fall and get hurt." Her only response was a "Eh?" She's just staring at me when I look at her. I let out a sigh and lifted her body to the ground.

"But--!" When I grabbed the book from the higher shelf and smiled at her, her words were cut off. I thanked her and added, "Thank you for teaching me the path; I'll come here when I need more."

She then sighed and smiled at me before saying, "You're welcome, and thank you for being concerned about my safety..." She replied and fidgeted her fingers.

I guffawed and ruffled her tresses. "I always make sure that everyone around me is secure," I said, nodding. "Continue your work, and I'll see you next time."

"Right, I need to get back to my classroom before my instructor starts taking attendance." She nods, so I turn around to leave but stopped when I hear something from her.

"C-Can we be friends...?" I heard her speak but didn't understand much of what she said, so I turned back to her and raised one eyebrow in surprise before asking her.

"Did you say anything?" I inquired, and she gasped and stared at me with wide eyes and a frightened expression. She bowed her head and shook her head several times.

"I-I said nothing! I just wanted to thank you, that's all! Hope to see you again, Goodbye! Have a wonderful day!" she said as she ran out of the area.

I still want to know the truth, but I guess I won't be able to. So I simply smiled and sighed.

"Hope to see you again, Shorty."


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