fifth | his offer to her

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"Who are you?!"

Because she was surprised to see someone in front of her, Y/n accidently yelled at Kageyama. Kageyama exhaled deeply and sighed.

When Y/n realized she had yelled at him, she felt terrible.

"I-I'm sorry for yelling.. I was surprised to see someone in front of me.." Y/n apologized, causing Kageyama to look at her, then grin and nod.

"It's okay. It's my fault anyways; I came here without asking permission."

Kageyama apologized as well, while Y/n continued to stare at him, mesmerized, and inspecting his features that she recognized.

"Wait... his face and features are familiar to me.. Have I met this guy before? Have we met.." - Y/N's Mind.

"Well, I didn't passed by here.. It's just i'm finding someone who is important to me i mean i saw her before and i wanna see her again.."

Kageyama explained, After that Y/n finally remembered and she knows him.

"He's the guy at the library.." Y/n whispered to herself and it flashback in her mind.



"Uh, do you need assistance?" Y/n inquired. Kageyama smiled and said, "Uh, Yes," before smiling and speaking.

"What book are you looking for?" she inquired.

"I'm looking for a culinary book," Kageyama said, then made a "O" gesture in her mouth, giggled, and nodded.

"All right, follow me," she said, and Kageyama did as she was told.

Section 13


"Here we are," she said, smiling at Kageyama.

"This part is full of food books; go ahead and choose. if you get stuck, just ask me; I'll wait here until you're done."

She said, Kageyama turn her gaze at her. smiled and nodded.

Kageyama began looking for literature. He eventually discovered it, but it was on a higher shelf.

Y/n observed it and grabbed a ladder. She put it there and began climbing. Kageyama was taken aback when he saw her.

He then quickly approached her and stopped her from climbing. "Eh?" Y/n came to a halt when she felt a hand on her waist. Kageyama was holding her and staring at her when she looked down.

She gulped and blushed slightly. Kageyama sighed before speaking.

"It's unsafe. Why did you acquire a ladder simply to retrieve that book for me? I can get it myself, leave it to me," Kageyama remarked, his eyes stern.

She blushed and gave a nod.

Kageyama took her in his arms and gently laid her down. He is tall enough that he does not require a ladder to obtain the book he desires.

Kageyama finally grabbed it, smiled, and thanked Y/n.

"Thank you, Miss Shorty," Kageyama remarked, making Y/n blush even more. She's been flattering her since Kageyama chevaled her waist. His gentleness is admirable.

"N-no problem, I guess," Y/n says, lowering her head to hide her flushed face from Kageyama.

She will be humiliated. Kageyama's smile faded as he locked his gaze on her. Kageyama chuckles, and ruffled her hair.

"See you again, Miss Shorty; I have to go now," Y/n said, her heart melting even more as she saw Kageyama's smile.

Kageyama then walks away from section 13, leaving Y/n speechless. As she stands there watching kageyama leave.

Something popped into her head. She exclaimed, then ran and shouted at him.

"Hey!" screamed Y/n, causing Kageyama to come to a halt. Kageyama then turns around and looks at her, puzzled.

"Do you require anything?" he inquired. Y/n remained silent and looked down, her legs quivering, unsure what to say.

Kageyama then takes a close approach to her. Stand in front of her and ask her the same question.

"What is it? Something wrong?" he said, and she mustered the guts to murmur something.

"Can we be friends...?" she muttered, but Kageyama didn't hear her.

He asked, "What? Did you say anything?"
Y/n realized he hadn't heard her, so she pretended to smile and shook her head.

"I-nothing! It's I just wanted to say take care! Goodbye!" she said as she bowed and ran away, leaving him alone. Kageyama had no idea what had just happened.

End of Flashback.

"I'm right! You're the guy from the library back then?" Y/n said, startling Kageyama. He's glad she remembered him, he grinned and nodded.

Kageyama answered, "Yes, I am. It's me. Nice meeting you again, Miss Shorty."

Her heart skipped a beat as she heard the word Miss Shorty again. She laughed and grinned.

"My name is Y/n, not Miss Shorty!" exclaimed Y/n. Kageyama chuckled and added, "Yes, I recognize your name." Her eyes widened as he said that.

He laughed as she questioned, "How did you know my name?"

"I was at the library earlier, looking for you because I wanted to see you again and get to know you better. Then, I came across this girl named Yui, who is also a librarian keeper, and I asked her if she knew you, and she did, so that's how I got your name."

Y/n was taken aback, and she recognizes Yui. She thanked him with a smile. "Thank you, I've also wanted to see you again but I'm always out of luck..." she admitted, making Kageyama flush.

"S-So we're both feeling the same, Huh," they both laughed. "You're still as lovely as the first time I saw you," Kageyama said, complimenting her.

Y/n was taken aback and reddened. She blushes, Kageyama notices. Kageyama then sighed, deciding that he didn't want to waste time and ultimately asking her.

"Can we be friends?"


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