17th of March 2022

20 3 0


There will be not much of an update, as most members have been busy with exams and personal life.

However, as I read through the conversation of Libbies, it made me realize that often there are biases and preferential treatment from some grandparents towards their grandchildren.

There are some that would deny of their actions that exhibits this behavior, however other openly show their contempt for you with no apparent reason. Mayhap they still carry the anger that redirected towards you, the children of your parents.

May that not be the cause of many reasons that you lose your confidence; that you feel of lesser value than others. May that not be one of the reasons that you fall into gaslighting yourself.

As to some, these situations are their driving forces to show them their capabilities. However, these situations are also the reason some lose their sense of pride.

But please do not ever lose the confidence in you, do not ever think that you are of no matter.

Your presence and entire being matters to the world.

As of today, Court of Libraries is not the only court in the Wattpad community. People had been quite shocked by the sudden appearance of Libbies, countless of projects and updates all in one month after their prolonged hibernation. Well, let me tell you! The rumored hibernation of the Court of Libraries is preparation for the extensive, exhaustive, and looooooong socializing with the other gossipmongers.

Thankfully! We have not reached our limits, yet. 😩

To make return with the intended news...

I saw another Court in wattpad today 👀

We are hoping to have more interactions with the Courts in this platform as they have been quite silent since the Libbies return.

Ahh! But I've caught wind that perhaps other Courts will be joining COL in Wattpad. Mayhap, sooner or later, another court will pop up. 🤔

Which Court do you think it will be? 👀

Will the beautiful field of red roses bloom first? Will they be swept away by the broomful wind? Or will they be guarded enough by the solid ground?


That's all for today. Fill in our google form if you wish to submit a spiel in TCB. Thank you!

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