Custard III

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Custard III:

Custard is a cookie who considers himself to be royalty... Which is true. Custard's father is the son of Premiere Custard, who is the uncle of Pure Vanilla (look, do I look like I know how royalty works?). Custard is bilingual, he can speak Italian. Custard is very talented, it just gets brushed over the rug. Examples: He can make things look expensive despite being paper, his crown and his staff. Custard's healing abilities are great but convincing some cookies are better. He managed to convince Strawberry Crepe, the most stubborn cookie in the kingdom, that they needed medical attention. Custard is very burnt out, despite having a bubbling personality, he just needs a hug. He lost his dad, he doesn't know who his mother is and everyone thinks he's a spoiled brat. God damm.

Pancake is Custard's best friend and Custard's emotional support. Pancake listens to what Custard has to say and he does the same. Both are almost inseparable until Cherry and Gumball arrived but this is another story for another day. Custard is allergic to acorns, not helpful when your best friend is basically covered in them. What happens is just puffy eyes but its still annoying. Custard looks up to Pure Vanilla, a father figure. Custard doesn't like Chili Pepper cookie.


Pure Vanilla: What happened to my dad?


Strawberry Crepe: WHY ARE YOU SO STUBBORN!?


Pancake: My friend...


Gumball: ...You...


Cherry: So... Loud


Strawberry: Hi hey! Whatcha doing?


Snow Sugar: Snow friends!


Fizzy: AH that's not funny!


Chili Pepper: ...No


GingerBrave: He's so brave, all the time


IceCream: Lightning is cool


Sugar: Sugar cookie? I don't think I've met them yet


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