Chapter 2

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Narrator: Julian

Chapter 2

Dorethea silently led me to Claude's headquarters. When we arrived, Claude was already there waiting for me.

"Come sit," he smiled.

"What do you want?" I asked Claude.

"You know the rumor about the school shooting victim, right?" Claude asked.

"Yeah, I'm aware," I said.

"She's been leading to multiple janitors quitting their jobs," Claude sighed.

Claude explained I was the school's last option before they asked for professionals. They wanted me to find the ghost and destroy her.

"What's in it for me?" I asked.

"Does five hundred dollars sound good?" Claude smiled.

"I'm sold but I'll need a few things," I told him.

"Like what?" Claude asked.

"Information on the ghost and a babysitter for Freya," I told them.

The purple-haired girl then stood up.

"I'll do it, Claude," she said.

"Cool, don't screw up Betsy," he told her.

"You can count on me," the girl responded.

"You're new," I said.

"I'm Betsy Braddock, pleased to meet you," the purple-haired girl smiled.

"Anyway, you need to meet with Mr. Alois," Claude told me.

"What's the connection?" I asked.

"Just meet him after school, okay?" he said before shutting the door.

Walking away from the room, I hoped I was in the right.

Flayn and Mercedes: Can you still sing? (Flayn and Mercedes #2)Where stories live. Discover now