Chapter 8

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Narrator: Flayn

Chapter 8

It was a giant board like the kind you'd see in a crazy person's house. From thumbtacks to post-it notes, it had all the hallmarks of crazy.

"I feel unsafe," Olwen said.

"I'm sorry for scaring you guys," Julian said.

"No, this is cool!" Freya grinned.

Julian explained the ghost's history and I noticed something odd in the details. It was the mention of blue mist. I knew it was a component in some kind of mutation. I'd discuss it with Mercedes later.

"Anyway, how do we kill this thing and send it to hell?" Julian asked.

"We don't, I figured it out," I told him.

"Figured out what?" Julian asked.

"That Ember isn't a ghost," Mercedes interjected.

So we were on the same page. Freya and Olwen were nodding in agreement. The only one who was against it was Julian.

"Well I'm pretty sure she is," he responded.

"Truthfully, I don't understand why you girls hang out with me," Julian moped.

Olwen immediately went on the offensive when he said that.

"We're your friends and We're going to prevent you from doing something stupid," she hissed.

"Fine, I need proof though," he hissed.

"Oh, you'll get it, cmon girls," Olwen grumbled.

We all proceeded to exit the house except for Freya. She claimed that Julian's cause seemed good. We all knew that Freya just wanted to play his Xbox. Now it was just the three of us. It was up to us to save Ember...

Flayn and Mercedes: Can you still sing? (Flayn and Mercedes #2)Where stories live. Discover now