Chapter 19

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Narrator: Julian

Chapter 19

"Why are you here?" I grumbled.

"To deliver some vital info," Dorethea responded.

"Is it that I'm being set up?" I sighed.

"How'd you know?" Dorethea responded.

"Maria," I groaned.

Dorethea explained that Hilda planned to scare me with a fake Ember. It was Lilianna from the drama club. The prank would end and I'd be forced to give Claude back his money.

"Told you so," Maria growled.

"Okay, you were right..." I sighed.

"I still think you can save her, though," Dorethea smiled.

"Quit playing with my head," I hissed.

Dorethea told me that my friends would have the answer to saving her. I told her that I'd think it over. I wondered what the others had discovered...

Flayn and Mercedes: Can you still sing? (Flayn and Mercedes #2)Where stories live. Discover now