Chapter 10

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Narrator: Julian

Chapter 10

"I'm home, Big Brudder," I heard my sister say.

I knew I had to hide it. If Maria found the money, I'd never hear the end of it. So now, I had to choose my hiding spot. Before I could hide it, she burst into my room.

"What are you hiding, Julian?" she said.

Maria grabbed the money and gave me a glare.

"Who gave you the money?" she asked.

"Claude," I sighed.

"You took money from that cheapskate, I thought you hated him?!" Maria shrieked.

"I do but..." I began.

I was interrupted by the doorbell.

"Lemme guess Claude," Maria hissed.

I opened the door to find Dorethea.

"Hey, can we talk?" she asked.

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