Chapter 23

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Narrator: Mercedes

Chapter 23

I woke up in an old-fashioned playground. A little girl was poking me with a stick. Her wings were small but she had four of them.

"Who are you?" the little goddess asked.

"I'm Mercedes," I told her.

"Lamine," the girl responded.

This girl was my younger self!

"Mercedes, you look like my mommy but younger," little me said.

I had to make up a lie to keep my identity a secret.

"I'm your long-lost aunt," I lied.

"You're lying," she frowned.

"How about I get you a snack?" I told her.

"Deal," she said.

On the way, she told me about her dreams. Her plans echoed her mom's ideas. She wanted to marry a rich high-ranking goddess and have his babies. It seemed weird that I wanted this as a first grader. That's the way things were then, I remembered that other girls were groomed for this too. I wasn't the only one.

"So who do you like the most?" I asked.

"I have three," she blushed.

"Really who?" I asked.

"I can't tell you, see ya!" she giggled.

That's when I woke up...

Flayn and Mercedes: Can you still sing? (Flayn and Mercedes #2)Where stories live. Discover now